PredictX Amps Up Cybersecurity & PredictX (PRED) Token Transparency

PredictX Admin
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2021

When it comes to decentralized protocols, particularly within prediction markets, security and transparency are both essential. As we approach our Token Generation Event (TGE) and the launch and distribution of the PRED token, we have taken major strides to amp up our cybersecurity measures and increase transparency across the board. Our first course of action has been to work alongside an external security auditing firm. We have enlisted a reputable third-party firm to serve as an extra set of eyes for all of our smart contracts, providing an extra layer of security for us and our userbase.

Additionally, we are working hard to provide our users with as much information as possible in the days leading up to our official TGE. In order to maintain the transparency of the PRED token and ensure the security of our protocol, we want to publish the multi-signature address of the native token. You can find the official MultiSig below (BSCscan):


At PredictX, we want users and liquidity providers to put their trust in us. Auditing our smart contracts and publishing the multi-signature address are just a few security and transparency measures we are taking in preparation for our product launch and the PRED token distribution. We hope that this shows everyone just how seriously we take the needs and concerns of everyone invested in our project and we ask that you stay tuned for further updates as we move closer to the big TGE date!

To learn more about PredictX, review our whitepaper, and stay updated on our protocol’s latest developments, check out the PredictX Market today!

If you’d like to reach us directly, you can also get in touch with one of our team members at any of the following links:

