PredictX Updated Roadmap

PredictX Admin
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2021

There has been a recent explosion of prediction market platforms launching on various blockchains like Polygon, Solana, and Polkadot. PredictX has been iterating since last year on developing the optimal model for prediction market users and traders. We are happy to release our updated roadmap in anticipation of our V1 launch!

Mariner: V0 Launch

The first market launched with AMM-based backend

The V0 version of PredictX launched on Ethereum earlier this year which utilized an AMM-based architecture similar to other existing prediction markets. However, because of high Ethereum gas fees we started exploring alternative Blockchains with lower fees and faster confirmation times.

Viking: V1 Launch

Implement 1st AMM based prediction markets on Binance Smart Chain

The V1 version of PredictX is the first application of conditional tokens onto BSC. Conditional tokens are a new asset class that makes it even easier to create liquidity in prediction markets, through combinatorial outcomes embedded into the tokens. In addition to having a better architecture for prediction markets, added liquidity incentives allow LPs and traders to be incentivized in using the platform.

Pathfinder: V2 Launch

Integration of DeFi protocols for LPs to allow additional passive yield generation

Add cross-chain support for markets

The V2 version of PredictX will allow liquidity providers to also earn yield when they seed a liquidity pool on top of the fees and liquidity rewards that they already get. This is a key distinction from other prediction market protocols that either doesn’t have a token or have liquidity providers that are not able to earn additional yield from pools. Along with a growing treasury, a native stablecoin (pUSD) will allow alternate use-cases to emerge in v3 and v4 beyond markets on the platform.

Polar: V3 Launch

Add private betting pools and automatic market creation

Add decentralized oracle resolution system

The V3 version of PredictX will feature more utilization of governance of the protocol where token holders can start participating in market creation and event resolution. This will be the first iteration of progressive decentralization that the project aims to achieve.

Odyssey: V4 Launch

Add voting system for new markets and improvement proposals (LPs)

The V4 version of PredictX will decentralize many of the features and mechanisms in the protocol. This includes oracles, market creation, and overall changes to the protocol. Stablecoin issuance continues and adoption in other betting protocols becomes the norm.

We look forward to hearing from you so please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or feedback.

