4 Simple Tricks to Generate Engagement For Instagram Posts in 2021

Tanmay Ratnaparkhe
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2021

How to Generate Engagement for Instagram Posts is an ever-evolving Question🧐! Here are a few ways to manage Instagram to amp-up your account growth. Read on…

It is 2021 and it does not get any easier to manage social-media! With algorithms, tips, and tricks changing every second we need to be on top of our game! So here we are making it easy for you to amp-up your engagement levels🙌🙌.

You have a brand on Instagram and we are sure that you are using Instagram For Business. With over a billion people using Instagram specifically every month, we know it is a platform with serious potential for a great ROI🤑.

Well, that’s the easy part! But to reap the rewards, you don’t just need an audience, you require the audience to interact with your content leading to an increased engagement. You need:

  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Likes
  • Saves
  • DM’s, all this, and much more will prove your content to be working amidst your audience.

Over all this, it is important to note that engagement only has value when it is genuine, coming from real people who REALLY care and not ‘bots’.

Hence, in this blog, you are not going to find any tips regarding ‘buying likes’ or getting into an ‘engagement group’, or anything of that sort. The fact is — all this just does not work. We have tried and tested the same.

The reality is, there is no shortcut to success for getting quality engagement. You get out of social media what you put in. So go that extra mile and create that great post that initiated conversations and genuinely connects with your followers. The benefits are sure to follow.

See below for tips that work:

Tip 1: Create Saveable Content to Generate Engagement for Instagram Posts

In 2021, SAVE is the new measure of engagement! Create content that will resonate with your audience, a reference material that they would like to save on Instagram in their Collections to go back to when required.

Look at simplifying — Trending topics, highlighting news, or complex graphs to create simple ‘Saveable-Content’ for your audience to save and refer back to.

Do not forget to add a call to action to your Instagram posts and stories stating — Save This Post. This is a great way to keep the engagement up and for managing social-media.

And, we can make it far simpler for you via Predis.ai, all you need to do is follow us on our social media handles and regularly visit our website to get daily insights on creating SaveableContent.

Tip 2: Go Live On Instagram🎬🎤

Instagram Live may be one of the best ways to use [raw and real] video content to drive engagements on Instagram. All your followers want to see the real you! And Instagram Live is an entirely un-edited video stream for your followers to tune in and engage in form of questions and comments in real-time. They also have the option to share your Instagram Live with their set of followers to join — so a lot more options to increase your engagement! Look for the best Instagram posting time and initiate your Live Session.

Be rest assured that you can explore endless opportunities on Instagram Live, just give it a try!💪💪

Tip 3: Share User Generated Content to Generate Engagement for Instagram Posts

Before we begin on this point — we would like to tell you that you do not have to treat your Instagram account as a one-way street, social media is a conversation and not a broadcast. Make sure you are listening to your audience and interacting with them when they reach out to you.

One of the ways to increase engagement on your posts and overall social media account is to reposting on IG or share your audience content — deep dive into maintaining and growing User Generated Content. For example, if someone tags your brand in a post, share that up in your story! The consumer is also going to have a feel-good factor. They will feel thrilled that you are listening, and other followers may be compelled to start tagging you in their own post for ‘the fame’.

Tip 4: Dwell In Creating Content That Drives Your Audience To Engage

Creating content on IG — needs to ultimately result in increased engagement. Try doing content once a week where you are urging your audience to interact such as tag your best-friend to win this hamper, or do regular stories utilising the inbuilt features such as Polls, Quiz, Ask Me Questions — this urges your audience to interact and engage.

This will ultimately result in increased engagement — give it a shot, today!

And once, our audience has interacted — acknowledge the same and take an active part in conversations, make your audience feel seen and heard, and also a lot more excited to chat with you again in the near future.

Keep the conversations going for your engagements to be up and going!🎁🎉👑

All you have to do is, keep the work going and results will follow.

Tell us in the comments below if you have any other tips and tricks for generating engagement for Instagram posts. Till then do not forget to hit the like button on our social media channels.

