Own Your Delivery: No More Depending on UberEats and DoorDash

Preezma Software Development Company
3 min readNov 24, 2023

In the ever-shifting landscape of the restaurant business, a remarkable transformation is underway. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving. Restaurant owners are discovering newfound power, taking control, slashing costs, and nurturing unwavering customer loyalty. It’s the dawn of an era where we bid adieu to our reliance on third-party delivery services like UberEats and DoorDash. It’s time to seize the reins of your delivery and embark on a brighter journey for your restaurant. Welcome to a world where your business flourishes, and where you’re the one steering the ship.

Unlocking Transformative Solutions for Your Restaurant Business

  • Take Control Over Your Deliveries
    Are you tired of watching a substantial chunk of your hard-earned revenue slip away into the pockets of third-party delivery giants? It’s time to take back the helm of your deliveries. How? By crafting your very own branded food delivery app. No more burdensome commissions. Just more earnings in your pocket.

Take Control >

  • Craft Your Own Food Delivery App
    Here’s the game-changer — building a personalized food delivery app. At Preezma, we’re ready to make it a reality in less than a month. It’s not just about having any app; it’s about having one that’s meticulously tailored to the unique needs of your restaurant.

Get Your App >

  • Tested and Proven Process
    No need to tread through uncharted waters. Our process has been meticulously tested and proven on numerous restaurant businesses, ensuring your transition to an independent delivery solution is not just secure but also swift and effective. You’re not alone; you’re in the hands of experts.

See Our Success >

Additional Avenues to Elevate Your Restaurant Business

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
    Beyond a custom app, a robust digital marketing strategy is the compass that guides your journey. Let us help you chart a course for boosting your restaurant’s online presence. Reach new customers and deeply engage with your existing ones. From captivating social media marketing to finely-tuned email campaigns, we’ve got all the tools to set sail.
  • Online Ordering System
    In addition to your very own branded app, we offer an online ordering system for your website. This paves the way for customers to place orders directly through your site, providing a seamless and convenient ordering experience. It’s all about expanding your reach and offering customers the flexibility they desire.
  • Efficient Delivery Management
    With our solution, you’re not just building an app; you’re gaining access to a comprehensive delivery management system. This empowers you to streamline your delivery operations, manage orders efficiently, track deliveries seamlessly, and ensure a smooth experience for your cherished customers. It’s about having the right tools to navigate the journey efficiently.

Manage Deliveries Efficiently >

Experience the Freedom of True Independence

The success of your restaurant rests firmly within your grasp. The road to genuine independence begins with owning your delivery. At Preezma, we’re not just here to offer solutions; we’re here to be your trusted guide on this transformative journey. Reach out today, and in less than a month, you’ll be on the path to cost savings, customer loyalty, and a restaurant business that thrives.

Get Started with Preezma >

Boost Customer Loyalty Through a Rewarding Program

In addition to your bespoke food delivery app, consider implementing a customer loyalty program. Create a rewards system within your app that encourages repeat business. Offer points, discounts, or special promotions to customers who regularly order from your restaurant. It’s not just about keeping them coming back; it’s about collecting invaluable insights into their preferences, enabling you to provide personalized experiences and forge lasting relationships.

Boost Customer Loyalty >

