Are These Contractions Normal?

Why defining “normal” is not always simple.

preg U
5 min readMay 23, 2017


(photo credit: Holly Clark)

Ok, let’s start with the frustrating answer to the simple question, “Are these contractions normal?”

A “normal contraction” is a relative term.

Understanding what are normal contractions may depend on several factors. Is your body still in prep mode? Or are you heading into labor? Are you halfway through pregnancy? Or right at the end? But having answers to these questions is only the beginning. To truly answer the question “Are these contractions normal?” may require understanding what is normal for you above all else.

Unsatisfying answer, we know. But don’t close this post in frustration! We can offer some guidance about the types of contractions you may encounter.

“Normal” Braxton Hicks Contractions

The term “Braxton Hicks contraction” is a bit of a catchall. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines them as contractions that are “irregular and do not get closer together,” and it tends to describe any non-labor-inducing contraction with this term. This means that understanding the contraction pattern is key.

Braxton Hicks contractions can range from completely painless to mildly uncomfortable to a jolt that takes your breath away. In our surveys, we have found that women are quite split with how they feel these contractions. Some women reliably felt their Braxton Hicks contractions. Many had no idea their uterus was contracting until labor started (and even some didn’t know then!)

Braxton Hicks contractions are a normal part of the second and third trimesters.

Many doctors and midwives think of these non-labor contractions as a way to tone the uterine muscle. But science has not fully figured out how these contractions might predict labor. Some evidence suggests that as baby’s birth date approaches, such non-labor contractions increase in frequency, perhaps ramping up the uterine workout regimen in preparation for the big day.

Gettin’ strong and mighty. (Artwork by Kristie Radwilowicz).

While most women experience a few Braxton Hicks contractions here and there, other women experience LOADS of contractions that have nothing to do with labor starting. Often these women are told they have an irritable uterus (ugh) or experiencing uterine irritability. Both terms describe when non-labor-inducing contractions occur frequently without consistency or pattern. Yup, basically just more of the same.

An irritable uterus is more like a twitching muscle than a flexing muscle. These little twitches can be painful. They can be painless. They can be downright annoying.

Uterine irritability can result from something as basic as dehydration, stress, or even a full bladder. Advice usually follows as you might expect: Drink more water, find ways to unwind, pee.

(comic by Rebecca Roher and Bloomlife)

It is worth keeping a close eye on these contractions though and discussing them with your care team if you are at all worried. There isn’t solid evidence showing a direct causal link between irritable uterus and preterm labor. However, one study did show a weak association between uterine irritability and preterm birth (18% vs. 11% in surveyed women with and without an irritable uterus, respectively.)

Figuring out what a Braxton Hicks contraction feels like to you is one step to better understanding your normal. The Bloomlife smart pregnancy tracker can help you learn this. With real-time feedback, the tracker allows you to see what you feel, helping you to better connect with your body and learn to speak its language. The app’s Trends view lets you see past sessions, so that you can get a “big-picture” view of your contractions across days and weeks and see your body preparing for the big day. If you are one of the luck women experiencing uterine irritability (please note the sarcasm), Bloomlife can help you better track, understand, and pacify your irritable uterus.

False Labor vs. Real Labor

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a few tricks to determine if you are feeling Braxton Hicks, or false labor contractions, vs. real labor contractions.

Understanding the timing of contractions is one trick.

This means how far apart the contractions arrive, how long each contraction lasts and whether the contractions occur regularly and get closer together.

The question of “normal” in terms of number of contractions, frequency and duration, of course may come back to what is normal for you. Every pregnancy is different. We have heard from women with contractions occurring every two minutes from the beginning of labor to those whose contractions never got closer than eight minutes apart before baby arrived. The regularity of contractions as well as the tips from ACOG below may help you find your normal.

table demonstrating false labor contractions vs. real labor contractions

When we interviewed members of the birth community about the signs of labor, they acknowledged that contractions are just one piece of the puzzle (check out the other pieces here). Really, the only way to know whether or not labor has started is to have a medical professional do a cervical exam. Labor contractions, by definition, are contractions that cause cervical change. Once the cervix starts to dilate, labor has begun and every contraction will start working its way to the end goal of getting that baby out.

If you find yourself at that edge of questioning whether those contractions are still Braxton Hicks or whether baby is on her way, contraction pattern is key. The Bloomlife smart pregnancy tracker takes the guesswork out of tracking and timing contractions. The app’s Live view not only displays your contractions in real-time, it also shows how long each contraction lasts and how far apart they occur. Even better — the contraction pattern bar lets you see regularity (or irregularity!) at a glance.

No more second guessing.

This information is meant to get you started. Bloomlife should be used to facilitate, but never replace, conversation with your birth team. If you have any concern at any point, contact your health care provider.

Originally published at Bloomlife.



preg U

Empowering expectant moms. Revolutionizing maternal health. Developing data-driven solutions with remote prenatal care.