All Dinosaur Species Described in 2021

A quick recap of all the dinosaurs found in 2021…

Panos Grigorakakis
Tales of Prehistory


Restoration of Dzharatitanis kingi by Alexander Averianov / Wikimedia Commons

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of dinosaur discoveries has been exploded, with tens of new species being described each year.

2021 was no exception since during the past twelve months, paleontologists named over 35 new dinosaurs, some of which were extremely bizarre and unlike anything scientists have seen before.

This article will present in alphabetical order all the new dinosaur species described in 2021. For each species, there will be information about its estimated size, classification, diet, age, and country of discovery.


Let’s jump right through it!

Arackar licanantay

Photo posted on Twitter by Eric Cervantes

Estimated Size: 6.3m/21 ft (juvenile)

Family: Lithostrotia (sauropods)

Diet: Herbivore

Age: 83.6–66 million years ago (Cretaceous)

Country: Chile

Arrudatitan maximus

