Bizarre New Dinosaur Sported Mane & Shoulder ‘Spears’

The discovery of Ubirajara jubatus enthralled scientists…

Panos Grigorakakis
Tales of Prehistory


Life reconstruction of Ubiraja jubatus by Luxquine / Wikimedia Commons.

Sporting a mane of feathers that ran along its back, and a pair of ribbon-like streamers emerging from its sides, Ubirajara jubatus is one of the weirdest dinosaurs ever discovered. This bizarre animal lived in Brazil approximately 110 million years ago and it is the first dinosaur with elaborate integumentary structures to be found in the Southern Hemisphere.

The generic name means “Lord of the Spear” in the local Tupi language and it is a reference to the creature’s shoulder spikes. The specific name jubatus comes from the Latin word for maned or crested.

Unique Features

The most distinctive feature of Ubirajara is undoubtedly the pair of rod-like structures that protrude from each shoulder. These 15-centimeter (5.9 in) projections were made from keratin and are reminiscent of the pairs of long plumes found in the standardwing bird-of-paradise. Similar to its avian relatives, Ubirajara probably used these structures to attract potential mates or intimidate competition.

“What is especially unusual about the beast is the presence of two very long, probably stiff ribbons on either side of its shoulders that were probably used for display, for mate…

