Exciting Paleontological Discoveries You Probably Missed in March

#3 Bizarre sharks with manta ray-like wings cruised the prehistoric oceans.…

Panos Grigorakakis
Tales of Prehistory


Titanosaur fossil excavation / UNED Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia / Wikimedia Commons

Several fascinating paleontological discoveries are taking place each month. Scientists working in the field publish numerous studies, describe new prehistoric species, and propose exciting theories about the biology and behavior of many extinct animals.

In this article, we will do a quick recap of the most important paleontological discoveries and updates from March 2021.

Before we do, be sure to check the most memorable ones from February below:

Ready? Let’s go!

The oldest titanosaur ever discovered?

Paleontologists working in the Neuquen Province of Argentina announced the description of a new dinosaur genus that may have been the oldest-known member of the sauropod group known as titanosaurs.

