5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Sociopathic Leaders

Save yourself from being manipulated.

Preoccupy Negative Thoughts


Source: Photo by Wendelin Jacober from Pexels

People prefer their leaders to be bold and charismatic risk-takers. Sociopaths often possess these traits and are much more successful at corporate leadership roles than those who are empathetic and compassionate.

Any organization requires a CEO or leader. Leaders often only think about the well-being of the organization and not others. Since sociopathic individuals lack empathy, it is easier for them to bend the rules and get away with things — without caring much about others.

Below are some ways to deal with sociopathic people in the workplace, including your manager or leader. To protect yourself from getting manipulated, you’ll need as much information as you can get.

1. Identify Their Charming Manipulation

A leader who is sociopathic might use superficial charm and flattery to manipulate you to do their bidding. Be mindful of these signs and tread carefully.

2. Avoid Participating in Their Games

You might feel tempted to outmanoeuvre the sociopath. You might also feel tempted to overanalyze the situations and dramatic scenarios surrounding them.



Preoccupy Negative Thoughts

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