Being an Empath Sucks

Even if it does mean I basically have superpowers

Cassandra Here
Preoccupy Negative Thoughts


Close up photo of a person’s eye
Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

“An empath doesn’t just feel for someone — they feel with someone.”

Imagine having to feel everything. Not just the things that happen to you, but also the things that happen to people around you.

And if you’d like a peek into my specific experience, imagine that this isn’t restricted to people who are literally near you, but that it extends to anyone you can see or hear, even through a digital screen.

Yes, that is how I experience life.

And it is rough.

What being an empath means

Despite a lifetime of what I can now see as the normal experiences of an empath, I never knew the full meaning of the term until recently.

People toss the word around all the time — “oh, I’m an empath.” I didn’t realize it meant more than being an empathetic person, which I already knew I was.

And it’s a shame I didn’t realize there was more to it because I’ve already found comfort in finally having something that, to put it plainly, tells me I’m not just being crazy or unreasonable or overly sensitive.

