Surround Sound Game Changer

Richard Holley
Plan, Prep, PreReel
1 min readMar 8, 2016

In recent years you may have noticed the film watching experience become more realistic. We begin to look past the screen and begin to feel the window of story, and it is not all through visuals:

Apart from the increased usage of film reel and improved resolution, Dolby has integrated a new technology that improves the film watching experience. The Dolby Atamos which was introduced in 2012 during the screenings of The Hobbit patterns audio to echo through the auditorium.

Stuart Bowling describes this new audio tech as a dramatic shift, better than anything ever done before. According to the Dolby site “Sound moves around you in three-dimensional space, so you feel like you’re inside the action.”

The next time you are searching for a theatre, search this Dolby site and experience the power of the Dolby Atamos.

