I’m an emerging artist: how can Imprimo help me?

3 min readMay 27, 2022

Imprimo is designed for artists at all stages of their career. In this post, we look at how our features can benefit emerging artists: Creating a professional online presence; establishing smart practices for recording ownership of your work; driving discoverability; and more.

Already established as an artist? A post just for you is coming soon.

I’m an emerging artist: how can Imprimo help me?

You embarked on a career as an artist because you have a calling to create art. But all jobs include some less-fun (but necessary) tasks that go along with doing what you love. Business administrator, self-promoter, website developer, social media guru and grant-writer are all roles you might play in service of your career as an artist.

As you start to establish both your art career and your go-to tools for business administration, Imprimo can help.


Our homepage is a place where art lovers can explore art and discover artists. When you create an Imprimo account, your work will be included.

Online Presence

Having a professional online presence will help you to organize and promote your work, make connections and be discovered. With Imprimo you can achieve this without needing to build, maintain and drive traffic to your own website.

Your verified Imprimo profile has a personalized url (customizable options are coming!). Many established artists have told us they can see us replacing their current website (and at a reduced cost).

A public record of your rights

Imprimo uses blockchain to create an unalterable public record of your claim to your work. This adds security for you by deterring bad actors and providing evidence of misattribution. It adds value by giving confidence to anybody interested in your art that the connection between you and your work is genuine.

Timesaving Professional Tools

Establishing your career may involve applications for funding or artist-in-residence positions. It will involve participating in group or solo exhibitions. You’ll need an Artist CV for this.

With Imprimo’s Living CV you don’t need to maintain a separate master document. Your Artist CV is synched with your artwork records, meaning it’s already up to date when you need it. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a pdf. You can sort it to show only the categories relevant to any specific application.

Added security

Use your Imprimo work records when posting on social media. The images you post online can include your blockchain-registered claim of ownership of the work, and link to the work’s Timeline, which includes detailed information about you and your work, and connects you to your original piece.


The internet is changing, and the advent of Web 3.0 will allow for greater personal control and ownership over images we post online. Imprimo’s use of blockchain is preparing you for this future.


After a free trial, an Imprimo subscription is $8.99 per month. This is less than many web hosting services if you build your own site. Imprimo offers more, is tailored specifically to visual artists, but requires no technical expertise for you to create an impressive, professional online presence.


The visual art sector lacks a destination for uniform, reliable information about work history and ownership. We’re building this destination and would love to welcome you to be part of it.

Imprimo is the collective effort of organizations with established record in the visual artists and rightsholder communities: CARFAC, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Quebec (RAAV) and Copyright Visual Arts (COVA-DAAV). It is built by Prescient Innovations, a subsidiary of Access Copyright.

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