Protect Your Copyright with Certificates of Creation

2 min readJan 18, 2022

Have you ever been asked for a certificate of creation for your work?

With Imprimo, a professional certificate is a click away.

What is a certificate of creation?

Certificates of creation include basic identifiers such as title, artist, dimensions, media type, and the date and place you created a work.

An Imprimo certificate of creation also includes a blockchain ID: an incorruptible link between you and your artwork.

An automatically generated QR code will take any interested person directly to additional information about you and your work — information that has been provided or verified by you.

Certificate of Creation courtesy of Paddy Lamb

Why do I need it?

A certificate of creation functions as a physical receipt as well as a form of risk prevention. It enables people interested in your work to approach it with confidence that you are the creator, and an assurance that the information about when and where the work was created is accurate.

How do I create one?

Join the waitlist now to be among the first to gain access when Imprimo launches.


About Imprimo

Imprimo wants artists to spend time making art, not admin, and art enthusiasts to know they can approach artwork with confidence. Working closely with artists, we’ve built an easy-to-use, all-in-one art management system that puts artists in control of how their work is presented online and creates dependable storytelling around the history and location of an artwork. We support emerging artists seeking to make art world connections and established artists with more complex catalogue management needs. We’re a space where trusted and verified information can create opportunities for artwork, without stealing time from the work of creating art.

Imprimo is the collective effort of organizations with an established record in the visual artist and rightsholder communities — CARFAC, COVA-DAAV, RAAV and Access Copyright along with its innovation lab, Prescient.

Supported by a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, we cultivate and promote visual artists through creator-focused technology.

