Tell the story of your art

2 min readFeb 17, 2022

The countdown to the Imprimo launch continues…

This week, in features to look forward to: Timelines.

What’s a Timeline?

Every artwork has a story. How do you tell yours?

An Imprimo Timeline presents a visual chronology of your piece’s journey from inspiration to current location, via creation, exhibition, award, or sale.

It’s like a CV specific to one artwork, demonstrating connections between work and creator.

Red check marks show you’ve added documentation to verify your claim. This gives viewers confidence to approach your artwork knowing they have information they can trust.

Artwork timeline for “Deep-Rooted series #8” by Shelley Freeman.
Artwork timeline for “Deep-Rooted series #8” by Shelley Freeman.

Why is storytelling about my art important?

Storytelling about your art creates value.

It drives interest in your work by showing viewers a full historical picture. It proves your relationship to your work, protecting you from bad actors. It offers peace of mind to gallerists or curators that they can approach a piece knowing its history.

Anything else I should know?

Yes! Your artwork Timelines are integrated with your Imprimo Artist CV. An event added or verified in one location automatically populates the other. Simple!

How can I try it?

Imprimo launches in March in English and in French. We’re building it to be a go-to source of information for the visual arts community.



About Imprimo
Imprimo is the collective effort of organizations with an established record in the visual artist and rightsholder communities — CARFAC, COVA-DAAV, RAAV and Access Copyright along with its innovation lab, Prescient.

Supported by a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, we cultivate and promote visual artists through creator-focused technology.

