PE Chapter 1 — The leadership of a 💰broke, yet an audacious man.

Driven by an unwavering spirit, he chooses to operate without reliance on money until reaching the brink of innovation’s challenge. Such a person defies conventional wisdom, challenging the widespread belief that financial resources are essential for establishing a career in breakthrough innovation. May my writings bring you closer to the profound silence within.

Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani
Preseed Essays (PE)
28 min readJul 28, 2015


Dear readers,
The dev. of our product is a result of the language of our website and our vibe, not money. How?

The best moments for us at Preseed are generally those moments in which our human resource before joining in writes to us about why they love us or why they would like to join us. Their messages are inspired and inspiring, both!

Such journey of the start of our first product is described in brief on PE Chapter 4 of Presed Essays on medium. (If you have arrived here from my ‘About Nishchal X/Twitter thread pinned on my X, then you also understand how Todeod in 2013 was a means to a much greater end).

Proceed to understand our culture and final product, as a result of a profoundly interwoven philosophy written here, as it was written there in chapter 4 to enable us to hire directly out of the words, when we were building only one product — Todoed, in 2013. If you read well, you will join us just like the coders and designers in 2013 joined us to make us our first product in 2014, Todoed.

It might take a disciplined week of reading to fully grasp what we’re working on, just as it would to understand consciousness.”You will have to give it a long period of dedicated time. And then 10 times more time to clear your doubts within yourself, only to know, none of the answers found may be complete, bringing you eventually organically to quantum physics, and beyond quantum physics; logically back to Sanatana Dharma.

If time is what you don’t have, don’t bother to scroll further or to learn a detailed truth of our times as I have expressed as a combination of my websites, products and essays.

Please read this essay before you apply to work with Preseed or I, to work on our 3 live products, born out of the culture represented in this essay made of 13 sections. Remember, at Preseed, everyone is either already in a leadership position, or will be.

Section 1— Summary

My Core Values

I —

  1. am constantly learning, unlearning, and relearning.
  2. respect complexity and strive to represent it through unassuming simplicity.
  3. am an incredibly passionate human determined to make a positive change.
  4. give as good as I get, if not better.
  5. scold fragile and strong, alike.
  6. contribute to common goals first, and put egos and hierarchies last, unless necessary, for, captains are needed when captaincy is needed.
  7. care about quality over everything.
  8. make UI/UX direction on paper, with pencil and scale.
  9. give updates timely as the progress depends on it, not just my own, but in most cases, our entire teams.
  10. embrace change and embrace discomfort.
  11. have a purpose, far over and above profit.
  12. am humble but I value honesty and passion over and above humility.
  13. am open-minded and curious.
  14. most importantly, have, guru level respect for those who have knowledge. But I don’t do the guru level worship. For worship is a waste of time, if one can simply put all their time into learning from the guru, sharply.
  15. focus on customers, more than on my excuses.

What is Customer Focus in my view? Entrepreneurial Attitude — Social Contribution for the common good kind of entrepreneurial attitude, not just a cold blooded capitalistic attitude!

Put customer interests first and make users not only happy, but knowledgeable and healthy— Be proactive, focus on impact and deliver results TO THEM. Continuous innovation is key. Always challenge the status quo in order to create a better future FOR THEM. Quick Progress — Move fast (without breaking things for them) while keeping a competitive edge. Be willing to constantly learn and improve as a person who cares about THE CUSTOMERS. How is this done? Find such a leader. Join such a leader. Then, form an enduring relationship with such a leader. Build this strong relationship based on openness, reliability and trust. Help others where you can (Sewa).

Using my ability to inspire youth to build with me, I gave my ten years towards a future, that can change the system of education, to say the least. Read on.

My message to my fellow entrepreneurs first:

My fellow entrepreneurs,

In this new era of entrepreneurship, your startup should be a by-product of your leadership, before you become a capitalist. A leader is a leader regardless of capital! Life without money can produce work of deep roots, and my life and work are perfect examples of this. The words I have written so far express the deep roots they come from. I think leaders of the modern era can bring changes in society with their products and a dedicated team of 3, with none of the 3 on salaries. Each one, be here for the future potential value of their stocks. The motivation be, the growth of the company’s roots. That inspiration to remain on the founder’s goal in-spite of no money for long periods of time, comes from the depths of the founder’s verbosity over matters that touch soul (at least in my case), as expressed through the extended links on

A typical web development company needs -:

1. People.
2. IT Infrastructure.
3. An office space to house those people.
4. Ideas/projects to consume these people in.
5. Enough money to sustain all of this.
Preseed needed none of that and it still is capable of creating far bigger and better products than a typical web development company. That is the weight of inspiration, that is the weight of Preseed. Here, scores of developers and designers work not because we pay them handsome salaries, but because they are inspired to do so, regardless of what we pay them. By the way, we pay them no salary, they are yet intrinsically motivated to build cool things with us. In fact, before onboarding, we ask them “Are you sure you want to work with us, for we don’t pay salaries yet”? The answers we have received had been equally inspiring

To be a team of such human resources is our greatest strength.

In this photo is captured a moment of profound questioning, by me. Something I am known for. The founder who was questioned ended up joining us by quitting his own startup. If I am with your startup, the potential in you or your company of inspiring others will increase. Inspiration cuts costs, but above all it does, it creates larger possibilities. So, either, you have me or I have you.

I would like to redefine the geek as someone who is on an obsessive intellectual pursuit. The new age geek, however, needs to be, in both intellectual and spiritual pursuit. That is the kind of geek we are developing at Preseed Ventures Pvt. Ltd., to serve our own software goals first. We have only just gotten started. If you are that geek, I may be relevant to you.

Summing up the Status of Preseed as on 28/12/2020
We measure our status based on how many incredibly talented hackers, hustlers and designers from India we have channeled into our ideas, without burdening ourselves/investors with having to pay salaries out of their hard-earned money, so prematurely. Our team pages on our product websites should help you decipher that. Preseed has been THE FOOD FOR my CURIOUS SOUL and like me, I hope one day, for many other curious ones.

Section 2— Preseed applicants or collaborators, this is for you.

In this new decade of entrepreneurship work as compassionate leaders before as capitalists. Work as partners before as employees. Solve with me real problems whether they give us money or not. वेतन के बिना भी जीवन है. मेरा जीवन उसका उदहारण है।

I hope you have arrived at this essay from a note on towards hiring.

At Preseed we look for 3 kinds of people —

that are willing to build with us without any immediate compensation or employment contracts, from their bedrooms or dormitories or any other space they have. So, if you can trust and have confidence that you are an irreplaceable talent, come on board. Write to me at

When it comes to hiring, we always prioritise over three things above all:

  1. unstoppable drive/passion,
  2. kindness,
  3. and capacity to learn (very fast).

Our experience tells us that when we focus on these three attributes, everything else follows.

Let’s see how far we reach with such intention. For now, all I can say is that we are sitting on top of some progressive prototypes with progressive people in a company where money has been replaced with inspiration.

“I don’t really know what the next big thing is, because I don’t spend my time making big things, I spend time making small things, and then when the time comes, I put them together.” — Mark Zuckerberg

This is neither a regular job opening call nor a freelance opportunity. We work with you to ‘co-build’ stuff with, over, sometimes if need be, a fairly long period of time. If you could look to work with us on helping us sincerely as one our key potential partners/volunteers, this is clearly an opportunity to be an entrepreneur with us in the long run.

Do you see yourself being able to build stuff on the web that may either be a product or a story that is used by millions of people someday to solve their most intrinsic needs?

Over a period of 1 MVP life cycle* will we know, how well do you fit into our scheme of things. Thereafter, you could expect us to give you and ourselves a co-owner-based opportunity in the product we are working on together. However, if you don’t persevere, you may only have lessons to earn and no money here.

It is really about the relationship we build with each other that determines if we could be business partners in at least one project that you are majorly working with us on, the project you are responsible for, in this fashion:

  1. I am convinced that prototypes we are going to build will be built, with you guys, at near 0 monetary costs. In software, 0 monetary cost is possible.
  2. It is this prototype which will be translated into a MVP over time.
  3. This MVP would be attempted by all of us involved to translate into a startup that we will co-own.
  4. It is at this instance of ownership that you and I can expect to roll in millions of dollars someday.

This team(i.e. you) will be an equity stakeholder up to 20% or in certain cases, more or less, in our product being co-developed with you. We want exceptional hackers, hustlers(anyone who can add value), and designers to work on these products.

If the hackers, hustlers, and designers involved think they can lead this product into a worthy startup, we would be willing to offer equity share into the product built henceforth, is what I am saying. It is in fact important for us that the team of each of our products is capable of leading their respective products into a successful business upon their own labor. Because some of us have to lay the ground upon which our future mountains as mentioned after step 2 on a will be built.

  • MVP life cycle — The cycle of iterations till we have a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) with some real consumer traction.

All you will get at this stage from Preseed other than a solid product vision for our meaningful and soul stirring idea, are some words of commitment about your share of ownership in the product. It could be anything from a 10% to anything based on their role in driving that product forward.

What happens to the MVPs(Minimum Viable Products) that get built out of this process of brainstorming over ideas under the foundation of trust and inspiration, not money?

Preseed’s job until 2020 was to get you to build our MVPs around my ideas in good faith, as potential partners/co-founders/employees, after we either raise investment/crowdfund/revenues.

The following may happen when the MVPs are built. At this stage we move the project from Preseed into Preseed Project if I am satisfied with the MVP :
Together you and I hustle to have the product some beta users and real feedback. This is the point till which we build until we have investments or crowdfund, if not revenue.

Once we have the first set of users, it is established that the idea we discussed a few days ago is customer-validated. However, yet, an unfinished product, ridden with bugs.

Section 3 — Past:

Sometimes I go-ahead to the extent of prototyping my ideas years in advance (to run it for a small group) to test its viability before I could vouch for it, so it could be re-build it with greater insights; after scrapping the prototype. For it has served its purpose of validation for me. Scrapping it, for it becomes difficult to maintain the prototype, especially if one is a founder who made the prototype by inspiring a bunch of volunteers with his designs and vision. Volunteers knew how to code, and you yourself don’t know how to code, but they often leave prematurely. The best solution is, take the result of validation to a stronger team to build the MVP from scratch. That was the journey it took from the prototype of Todoed to the current version of Chattodo. That is how the lessons of building the above prototype will be applied to building this prototype as feature for Chattodo

7 years ago, volunteers were all we needed. This is what we expected from our volunteers:

We expect an MVP that works. Having said that, as long as you deliver the MVP on our ‘product vision’ and design, it is perfectly okay for us to have you do your other works parallel. As you progress you will have the choice of working only with us, to be substantial stakeholders at Preseed.

However, if you are committed, we are willing to share some equity in our company with you. We’re looking for like-minded genuinely altruistic humans, who’re passionate about creating a product that can change the way the world works.

Qualities we have admired here before onboarding such volunteers:

  • Non-linear thinking
  • Top skill in their game.
  • Hawk eye observation.
  • Patient listening.
  • Punctuality.
  • Keeping word.
  • Doing — I hope you acknowledge that we are smart enough to know when you are giving absolutely silly excuses whereas the real reason is that you are not sincere or driven enough.
  • Honesty over humility — If you have gyan, say it. If you think you are great, say it. Then, proceed to prove it.
  • Humility.

Your job with us may be putting the codes or designs or both or more to one or more such product/startup opportunities while being as imaginative as you like. You may or may not choose to do it full-time, as long as you do it timely.

Past Status: So far, we got the minimum viable products around our ideas readied with our volunteer hackers/hustlers/designers, to make it all live for testing/use with the early adopters and our networks. Until now, it was a MVP journey for you with us. Now, the business journey commences. The churn with volunteering teams of ours resulted in this final team and primary proposition:

This instagram post of mine is of consequence here -

Section 4— Replace money with inspiration. That is our culture. Inspiration will last, money may vanish. This was the title of my lecture below:

My lecture in 2012 on the slow and conscious kind of entrepreneurship can be found on the above link from the event where I and Ritesh Agarwal( founder of Oyo) addressed a gathering for our respective talks.

“Nishchal has been building his extraordinary products with the youth of India, right from their dorms, bedrooms, and remote offices. He would often go to where they are, if need be, to inspire them to build upon what he thought can be the right thing for the world’s children. Nishchal used to say to us, “this is the only way I can show the hacking, hustling and designing youth in Indian colleges and boring companies the path to entrepreneur level freedom.
Students, for every product you build with Nishchal all the way to investments/revenues, you co-own with Nishchal. I invite before you, Nishchal Kesarwani, from Preseed”. — My intro by a teacher at Amity.

Here is the content from my lecture. Anyone looking to be a volunteer/partner with Nishchal must read this lecture and its other parts attached in the lecture.

This will take you to the list of long articles I have written on Linkedin towards my hiring needs and attrition needs, including the above lecture:

Note: I will not do experiments where I don’t clearly see real business value for stakeholders, till we have billions in our bank account. So stay assured everything we are touching upon here will have real business value in the future. Trust my ability to see further than most. Also, be assured that there will be all kinds of experiments and all kinds of innovation for we have reduced the cost of experimentation. The cost of experimentation is inversely proportional to the possibilities of innovation. Our costs are low, for we have replaced salaries with inspiration mostly.

Hence, expect disproportionate innovation at Preseed.

What you can expect from us:
1. A chance to work and/or lead a potential world-class project.

2. Understand what it means to be an entrepreneur, discover the driving force that can make you go above and beyond your comfort zone and equity for the project that you lead. And the driving force here is not money.

What we expect from you:

Trust — We trust you. Just be authentic.

Section 5— Who among you do we want to work with:

Those who are passionate, curious, courageous resonate with our culture. Anything short of that and we may not last long together.

Sometimes even if we like each other we may not end up working with each other. A conversation from 2016:

The day job is as safe as bull shit:

Nishchal and Arav’s conversation on FB chat when they were both kids:

Featured Arav here because I love him as I would love my brother.

If you are joining us to be such a leader with Preseed one day, you must read everything on Linkedin written by me as attached in the above link, for :

You will hire under the same principle, we stand for. But for that, it’s essential you feel belonging here. Everyone whose here feels that way, dances to their own dance but in perfect symphony to the same tune as ours.

Half a percent of Preseed Ventures Pvt. Ltd. was recently bought for Rs. 6.5 lakhs if you are given even 1%, you are getting a value of 13 lakhs which means you can’t say that you don’t have this team member. Whatever work is been given to you, you have to deliver it. You don’t have to do ifs and buts. The ifs and buts are going to disturb the equation that is to last for the next four years between you and us. So, if you want shares of our company to keep coming to you then you have to ensure that there is no ifs and buts from you. You have to figure out your income, you have to figure out how you have to staff people, how you have to do things like I am doing. It must not be my headache alone. We have to take the headache Preseed can be sometimes, together!

Note — If you are taking equity in our business then no immediate financial compensation will be paid to you by Preseed for your services. We have already established this understanding clearly, haven’t we. Don’t join us, if this is not clear.

Additional equity will be allocated to you when you onboard new talented team members and especially full time coders.

If your conduct is such that you take away all the burden of non Chattodo matters from me, then more additional equity will be given to you. You have to make sure that regarding non Chattodo products we are building, e.g. Todoed, or Math Ed Labs; including their user experience mental load that I have on me, or the load of ensuring that the website is never down, are led by you and you can take care of it, then I will certainly allocate additional equity to you, beyond your expectation.

Read more on LinkedIn.

Section 6— Team Introduction to Preseed.

You’ve got to be seen, as I am, to be playing the game.

Preseed is not just a company, it’s a culture. It is beyond me, even if today, I am the lone epitome of that culture.

Anyway, if you get a scolding from me while you ego is inflated, don’t quit on the audience Preseed is being created to serve — the children of India, and the world. Our mission is bigger than the sum of our individual egos.

Set aside your ego. For, your mediocrity will invite scolding from me often, without the fear of your quitting. Due to which, you will hear the truth, and quit. (How do I know? Read the article I have written on LinkedIn in this light. Link to LinkedIn articles is attached above).

If you acknowledge that my mind and my tapsya has been deeper than yours, then hear very humbly, the feedback my mind may have had for you, in that scolding. And, if you don’t have that humility of an ageless student, then leave already, for then you have nothing to learn from me just like you have nothing to learn story of lack of extraordinaire, novelty and courage. That is what is causing you boredom, anxiety, depression and headache.

Try not to be preachy to your captain even if the captain is preachy inspite of not paying you salaries. A captain is a captain for a reason.

Also, you are not doing me a favor by working at Preseed. You have an equity offer from me, and a billion plus children to improve the lives of.

This is my first punch on your ego. There will be many more. If you are okay with this,

Welcome to Preseed,




After reading all of the above, if your decision is to join Preseed, then I must say, it is a very inspirational one, and it clearly indicates your faith in the Preseed culture of truth and honesty above humility.

Here you not only get to perform at the highest level as an individual, but, you also have a strong team support.

Please run the company smoothly and confidently, So smoothly, that I don’t have to interfere. And notice, that there is nothing smooth about running a company. So, make mistakes instead. For mistakes are real. Smooth is not.

Get the hell out of your comfort zone and do something worthy of a glorious failure. If I tell you the agenda and ask you to make a call to xyz person and talk, just make a call and talk. Don’t ask me what to talk.

Don’t delay anything. Do today, what you were to do tomorrow.

If I am found doing anything else in the company other than building Chattodo then know without me saying, that you guys are not doing it right, to have had me to do anything else that you should have been doing instead of I. I need to focus only on Chattodo.

For everything else at Preseed, I have laid the foundation very thoughtfully, in such a way that it can all be handled with my continued directions which will always be there, especially given that I have already written everything in detail all the way to the next 5 years of our works forward. Now we just have to fill the dots most of which are already indicated. Blueprint is already created. Read all we have written. That is the blueprint.

Now we have to see how well you guys collaborate with each other to create results.

Just remember, it is important to empathize with those you work with to truly understand their situations and intent at all times. That will help you make right and righteous decisions for each one of us.

Please work hard. Preseed will not only be a multi-billion-dollar company one day, but, will also be a company that will inspire generations through truth and unparalleled transparency.

Section 7—

  1. Network effect — SPREAD THE LOVE in Online Communities if you feel the sacrifices of your leader and have the heart for his mission — Everyone who becomes a part of ‘Preseed’ as Core team / Intern / Volunteer / lover must invite others to hear his words. Join his and his organisation’s social media channels. Invite your network to those social media channels. This will be some solid evangelism for Preseed. Without this evangelism, we won’t be heard. If you are a part of Preseed, it means, you are not being smart about your own growth. For, if Preseed grows, you will grow.
  2. Social Media — For that purpose please make sure that you are following our main media properties mentioned on the menu bar of Invite your friends to them. The real evangelism happens when you invite your friends on to our pages like — Preseed (fb), Preseed (LinkedIn). Join Nishchal on LinkedIn, Nishchal on Twitter. Following our media properties will anyway mean that you are in tune with some really meaningful infotainment-rich content and sharing it would mean, your friends are too.
  3. Community — All the team members are encouraged to take up free online courses in tech, communication and design. Attend various startup/entrepreneurial sessions or meetups, if possible. Increase your knowledge.
  4. Don’t Disappear — If anyone from the team seems to be away from the internet. Unknown absence will not be tolerated. Team members are expected to have the internet at all times, on all devices to guarantee Light Speed performance.
  5. You must notify 3 days prior to your absence, in case absence is unavoidable.
  6. College is not an excuse to not be active. If you are giving college as an excuse, you belong in college not Preseed. Same for your jobs. If you continue this for too long, you will not know when you will be asked to leave.
  7. Messages and emails need timely response — Each message or comment that is addressed to you should be at the very least must be acknowledged, till your sincerity is not proven. When only acknowledgment isn’t enough, respond to the email properly. Learn from how proactively I respond to messages of my teams.
  8. Make sure every person addressed in that msg/post/comment is tagged. If the response is not timely then you will most likely not have a future with us. Make no mistake about this point too.
  9. If you are asked a question on a post/tweet, you will have to respond to it, just liking it won’t cut it.
  10. Doing Work — “Getting shit done is what MATTERS”.
  11. Task Lists — The team is expected to maintain their own task lists ( date, project, task, assigned by, deadline). I reserve the rights to ask you to report to us any time of the day / week / month with your task lists. So, please, be alert and prompt with your work. This will also help you guys to get into a habit of documenting your task and delivering them timely.
    Also, use Trello till our very own app, Chattodo is ready.
  12. Test our homegrown apps/products by actually using them while they remain in their testing phase. If they cost money to buy, buy them. Be our first customer.
  13. Don’t use any word in your communication that you yourself don’t understand the meaning of. We are not big on fancy vocabulary. In fact just speak Hindi if you are not strong in English. Hindi is beautiful language too.
  14. Keep your follow up game strong.
  15. Don’t be a mute spectator. Indeed, do whatever it takes to ensure everything that you are responsible for is taken care of. And if you are here to lead, then ensure tasks of others are also taken care off.
  16. Take Charge (e.g. if you are a designer with Preseed, and you think you have more time, look out for more work by discussing with others in the team. They all need you).
  17. Be enterprising — Before asking anyone for any help, kindly, try it out yourself, google stuff, research well before you take someone else’s time. Everything that you may possibly want to know is on the web. Keep yourself acquainted with what’s happening at Preseed, and feel free to contribute wherever. Most importantly, take the lead wherever you feel you can make a difference.
  18. Pre-mature satisfaction — Also called complacency. Remember we are here to make a dent in the culture of India. No room for complacency till we achieve what we are here to do.
  19. Communication should happen in the dedicated workgroups on Telegram/Whatsapp/Slack over and above emails. Keep it simple and natural.
  20. Profile status — Whenever one is recruited in the team with us, please, remember to change your work status on Facebook and Linkedin as e.g. ‘Works/intern/Volunteer/designation at Preseed’. Also, add yourself to our team on our Angelist.
  21. Miscellaneous

a. Always be on the lookout for the following:-

  • Potential Business Network.
  • Early Stage Startups.
  • Software engineers.
  • Graphic Designers.
  • Writers.
  • Early Stage Funds.
  • Marketers

b. Get into a habit of carrying a pen/notepad when coming for any meeting (Everyday).

c. All the roles and designations given are temporary.

e. Team members should add their real image (and not any cartoon image) as display picture, wherever they are representing our company too.

P.S — For all, know about the page ‘deep inside’ and please, be extremely smart when you represent yourself on these platforms as you will be the face of our organization.

Section 8— Our Mission for our team

We aim to improve your lives by providing you the means and resources to become your greater and healthier selves. And in that, never the means will be, pleasing you. Verbal punches more likely. I hope you are not going to come with a victim narrative and leave with another victim narrative.

Daily updates protocol: one of the most important protocols to act upon is the #daily-updates.

At the end of the day you will need to update on the tasks completed or worked upon and the status of it. Length of your updates can be as small as you like. Daily update should not be looked as a botheration to anyone. It should be seen for its macro implication.

The daily updates become a reference point of work for the next day.

Imagine Preseed to be operating in a physical work space. Every morning you come to the office. The day begins with a 10 am meeting ritual with the captain. You discuss your daily activities and your day to be. Daily updates help Nishchal keep one individual’s work well co ordinated with the 20 others , that collectively impact Preseed. Directly or indirectly. It also gives him a sense of daily activities in our organization. So update daily, regardless. The captain has to know at all times what his team is working on every single day. Daily update is just an unbiased update about whatever one did that day , in brief. Planning is definitely important, and, so, worthy of an update. The daily update just needs to be a brief update strictly for a layman; when looking at the daily updates day by day, that layman should feel there is progress.

Even if you guys do nothing please, do not mind posting that you have done nothing.

Meetings and Minutes Protocol

  • Name of members
  • Subject of meeting
  • Zoom/Meet/Call etc. or in person? Record these meetings and calls.
  • Date of meeting must be placed in the title of the doc.
  • Make, and share a google doc with your relevant bullets. No highlightng point must be missed.

The Minutes of Meeting that is done among two or more team members need to be recorded and shared within 24 hours so that there is speed with transparency to fuel our progress. I think the idea of the Minutes are pretty clear but the following are some guidelines.

We keep ourselved tuned with activities across Preseed remotely distributed teams, through following them on slack channels, and through minutes on google doc of your significant interactions on other mediums of communication. So sharing minutes doc is so important.

IMP ORTANT— Section 9— We get so busy that we only console our parents over fleeting phone calls rather than actually helping them with real knowledge.

Let us take out time and sweat for them too amidst our mission in spite of how estranged our relationship may be with them.

The above attachment is my effort through a playlist of 100 plus video to educate them and their children and a supporting narrative to how I am not only talking about my parents and family but the whole country. Please open it to dive deeper.

But first:

Listen to this voice note introducing the above attachment.

Section 10— Workplace

Enjoyable Workplace? Fun? Fuck off.

Creative environment that doesn’t feel like work. Sure!

WFH. While I work from the beach and the mountains, till you get to where I am.

We want to let people work for and/or on a cause that they believe in. Dream with us over and above dreaming happiness. For a mission oriented life doesn’t always guarantee happiness.

Section 10 — The Nishchal Foundation

“Three things are necessary to make every man great, every nation great:

Conviction of the powers of goodness

Absence of jealousy and suspicion

Helping all who are trying to be and do good.” — Swami Vivekanand.

We are building something called The Nishchal Foundation which has vowed to fix the problems in India as narrated by me. Some day my words on the internet will make their way to a book or a political manifesto by The Nishchal Foundation. I need publishers and writers who are also activists. Please connect with me if you are keen to join a movement I want to start through The Nishchal Foundation (TNF). Someday we will register this initiative as a NGO. On that day I would have listed one more organization to my karm bhoomi, the third one in the list below:

  1. Preseed Ventures Pvt. Ltd. for our software that can change the world. (Not a cliche. Dig this company of mine really deep. Clink on all its links. Don’t say you don’t understand it without reading it thoroughly. If you were to read a story by an author, you will have to first read it only then is your comment on it relevant. And no detailed story can be read in a few minutes. Give it time, if you are keen on me. It is not a usual company with a usual mission to maximize shareholder profits. Its mission is pure, need of the hour, and honestly altruistic).
  2. Preseed Ed K12 Pvt. Ltd. for Math. Math is the need of the hour. We, the citizens of India have underplayed its importance in India in the age of AI.
  3. The Nishchal Foundation — It is a work in progress laden with errors. Point the errors out if you find them.

Section 11 — One has to be the model of his own philosophies first. So, I subject myself to this fire test every day.

I fully realize that you can drop your ego when you come across a person who catches hold of your heart so tremendously that you can sacrifice all you got for him. His very being becomes more important than yours in many moments. I wish to be that person in your life out of my merit and my courage to do the new against all odds.
I want to correct the course of mankind. These words are a reminder to me that if I have to have you back me with all you got, then I must first become deserving of that absolute divine shower of energy in any form, from you. What I am taking upon, can’t be done without your sacrifices alongside. What kind of sacrifices? Mostly time for a sincere effort towards me.


Section 12— What can the humans around you tell you that you won’t find on the internet?

You are already empowered. You may not even need me. Its about your freedom and your knowing.

The single most important reason why I believe you could not only find the right information for yourself but also build meaningful long-term novel startups without reading or knowing me, even when you yourself thought that you couldn’t.

Because one day you yourself will realize, if need be, with a little push from us — ‘The power of the Internet’, The power of having information for free even while you are taking a dump in your toilet. Provided, you have a mind of a seeker not a believer. Then you will know how to filter out fake news and lies. This ability is the important ability of our times.

If I had said nothing I have said, and died, and had only said what I am expressing below about GOD; you could have found all else, such is the power of the internet. It is humbling to know, that there are so many before us, who uncovered the truth correctly too, in their own language and context of their times. Yet, I attempt here to take it one step forward. For, to me, absolute originality is a thing. I am building the context for you to interpret what, why and how, of SAMADHI, the NO THING, achieved through first seeing with eyes shut, particles, the real form of sound and all matter; and how it is all connected. SAMADHI alone is not enough. The inquiry it can lead one towards means, only one path, the path to the absolute beginnings of everything. Once known, you journey to understanding it; then, YOU BECOME IT. Then you are unwavered. To express this, I will try to avoid both theoretical physics and religion. I will do it in my original language. The language of 2020. The language of simplicity and nakedness.

I am expressing — What is God.

If you will, you could use me to publish a book on what I end up speaking in the backdrop of expressing god through matter & non-matter. I just need these two to express the most important truth to you. The TRUTH. This is the absolute New I will give you, in the language of 2020. Not some Before Christ or SOME ANCIENT DHARMA or after christ. I will usher in the post truth age, because, where god is not there and that is its purest un-interfering quality. God’s quality is, absolute freedom & absolute equality, of opportunity. In freedom, there can never be equality in outcome. I would rather have freedom than end up building a homogenous society.

I am after building a meritocratic society.

This is my way of offering you personal growth. Save yourself from the lazy and lying softies.

Food for thought

In the words of Michael Lewis, “By its nature, the Internet undermined anyone whose status depended on privileged access to information.”

Be Curious — Research everything well, whatever it is that you lay your sincere eyes on.

Section 13 — India and its technology lack.

For those who are following the developments in the world of whatsapp/signal/privacy/CambrigeAnalaytica know another truth I had been stating since 2012 as expressed on

Read it all. Help me make India a progressive country. Prepare me to make my pen be mightier than any sword out there.

I assure you that my personal FB/Instagram narratives will be always by direct personal experience, just like my work on my websites, original.

Note — I had voted for the ruling party twice, in 2014 and in 2019. Will I again in 2024? No.

The words I have written over the last 10 years will inspire the fabric of the culture we want to inspire in the world through the social network we are making as Chattodo.

Value your vote and support. Don’t be fixed. Learn the ethereal truth. Stay curious.

And remember to pick a party that understands this all the way to showing in their manifesto:

A reminder to visit section 8 above — I write so much across that many web pages without any income, full time. My and my family’s food and shelter is on you, here on.

This image does justice to what I want to say about meditation —




Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani
Preseed Essays (PE)

Here, I write my first flawed & fearless drafts of things that matter to me, mostly freedom. Let us start flaws with misspelling ‘Chief’, in my designation.