MEL CH 1— Presenting Preseed Ed K12's brand towards homeschooling, Math Ed Labs (MEL)

Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2016
The most beautiful thing that I saw when I was 21 was the fractal called Mandelbrot Set. Since then, the utility of Math was clear to me, for understanding life, objectively. I am not using the word, objective, lightly.

I wanted to be where Virat Kohli is, when I was in school, but I went into another realm as a matter of chance. Watch this video by Virat on Math—

Here is the beginning of the demonstration of our work in Math:

As soon as we got our first chance, we delivered:


Caters to those who are scared of Mathematics by means of games that employ Mathematics in disguise. Let’s meet and talk about this, because why not? Until then, learn more about it at

Study boxes for your homes

Parents at home, with our tools, will engage better with their children.

So far, we have created a range of 7 products that dealt with the conceptualization of topics such as Equivalent Fractions, Multiplication of Fractions, Number Sense, Square roots, Multiples, LCM, Factors, HCF, Arithmetic operations, Decimal Representation on a number line, Arithmetic operations on decimal numbers and a wholesome set of tools for the learning of trigonometry.

This is our 7th product for trigonometry. It’s still under development.

(B2b) Continued in chapter 8, for schools:

However, our priority is B2C, i.e. directly to homes.



Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani

Here, I write my first flawed & fearless drafts of things that matter to me, mostly freedom. Let us start flaws with misspelling ‘Chief’, in my designation.