Untitled 101

Syed Shahzar
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2018

The only way our energies can be channelised and preserved from the outside world to create a better education system or in more apt words a system that is independent of my age to learn, my interest to learn, my ability to learn and my wish to unlearn. The only way it can be created is by not having a system around education.The main purpose of education has always been to observe from surroundings and learn from that, it has always been done by doing stuff, never had any of the famous educationists or philosophers would have imagined learning to take a place in a controlled environment.

Even if it was not about the ancient people, the system right now which is given the nomenclature of the education system serves only the information related to observations that have taken place much before, where as the ideal scenario should have the learners being inspired to observe and experiment to gather information from the surroundings.

It is not the information collected or the conjectures that came out, but the practice to gather knowledge these ways and the process.

The modus operandi of any task plays a very important role of the task getting finished in time and in proper fashion. Similarly the importance of anything learnt in the eyes of the learner is dependent on the way it came to him.

If it involved the learner to observe, to DO, to develop conjectures, to gather data, to think, even if it is the simplest of concept from the textbook; any learner would find value in it, the real essence of the lesson transfers to the learner. The very aspect of what has been learnt, rather understood and observed, gets developed in the learner.

But, if all of it was to come passively through a textbook and one way communication in a classroom or a screen, the information, even if it is of the highest importance for the learner, this passive communication may get it registered somewhere in his mind, but will not cater to any development in the learner, which the above practice would’ve had.

To create an environment and develop an aroma where the right kind of thoughts emerge to “learn to learn”. There is a need to redesign and restructure the communication among the learner and the surrounding. It has to be centralised around the one learning, it needs to involve the learner actively at every point of time.

The need is to channelise all the scattered ideas and create a beam to prosper the process of learning. By empowering a learner he is able to put his thoughts and explore much.

Active participation of any learner develops a sense of belongingness as well as increases interest in the activity being performed. Participation always creates a dialogue between people involved, it allows to express individuals in a collective way.

The system needed at hand needs to revolve around the interaction with the learner. To have communication, to interact with a learner, the language used needs to be fool-proof, the language needs to be independent of everything. It also should develop the cognitive abilities required by a human to evolve and grow.

The only language capable of serving with all the listed above and much more than that is Mathematics; for which we have created Math Ed Labs !


