What else is possible?

What else is possible?

Jawahar Malhotra


The way life goes, it is possible to find oneself in a situation where we think ourselves into believing there are no good choices. If we are analytical, we analyze the problem, which results in more thinking, with no new viable choices emerging.

My mind sometimes leads me down the path of “if I could explore the choice space, I would discover new choices.” Most of the time, this results in nothing but the exhaustion of my own brain power.

It doesn’t have to be this way. By shifting your “energy,” changing your perspective, you can generate additional choices.

One technique I’ve found effective is to *stop* thinking. I shift my entire attention to something else, preferably into my body, trying to feel the aliveness within. Mindfulness practices have techniques to scan your body. If you follow one of these, try to bring your attention to aliveness within, as you mindfully visit each part of your body.

The question to ask: “How do I know, from within, that my arm is alive?”

Even a few minutes of stopping thoughts, shifting your attention to something else, can help you look at your original situation from a different perspective, with truly different embodied energy. This can make the difference, resulting in one or more welcome additional choices.

As your leadership coach, I’m committed to helping you generate choices! If you are hungry for change, want to break past self-imposed barriers, detect where you limit yourself, and take back your power, consider working with me. Together we will reflect, explore, generate choices, detect limited ways of thinking, and become conscious of all that is possible for you. Get started by filling out this three-question survey.

