Connecting & Acting From The Heart

Priya Mahtani
Field of the Future Blog
10 min readJul 29, 2021

When a desire to “Change The World Now,” becomes a realization that what’s actually needed is a “Heart Revolution.”

We are living in an extraordinary moment of global change, but what are the actions required to bridge the current divides our society is facing? What practical steps can we take as both individuals and organizations? Is there a map to help guide us on our way?

Change the World Now (The Heart Revolution)


At the core of this u.lab 2x team project, is a vision to research and facilitate processes that help people to both connect and act from the heart.

u.lab 2x is a three-month accelerator for teams interested in an awareness-based approach to systems change, taking place annually and freely offered by the Presencing Institute.

The Heart Revolution core team comprises of members from Brazil, the USA and Germany, (Patricia Sogayar, Dirk Bräuninger, Andréa Nery, Karen Mayumi Abe, Cris Bernardo and Geisa Paganini), all of whom have been exploring three central questions:

  1. Is it possible to transform the world simply by being ourselves?
  2. Is it possible to do meaningful work by living out our passions and gifts and paying our bills at the same time?
  3. What does a model of true abundance look like, where everyone gains from participating as we live out of the “abundance we are?”

Key Discoveries:

Whilst there were many insights and revelations throughout the u.lab 2x incubator process, below are some key discoveries that emerged from their inquiry:

  • A re-prioritization of attention from a focus on metrics to trusting inner knowing;
  • A radical shift in attitude from a sense of urgency to slowing down and consciously listening to the field;
  • The power of applying 2x tools and processes to get more clarity and work through tensions, challenges and the unknown.

The Back Story:

The seed inspiration for the The Heart Revolution project, (that began its lifespan as Muda Mundo Já — “Change The World Now” in Portuguese), was arguably planted nearly a decade ago. This impulse sprouted through changemaker Patricia Sogayar’s involvement with various Presencing Institute groups, including an education macro-hub, a Social Presencing Theatre group and another social circle, among others.

Dissatisfied with how various groups and systems did not see themselves as part of the larger body of humanity, with each sector, albeit education, finance or environment all operating in silos, the first iteration of this project, (Muda Mundo Já), materialized in 2020 as seven intergenerational women convened from diverse backgrounds and interests. Weaving together different points of view, much time was spent in the early weeks simply talking and listening to each other.

Members of the core team from the 2021 iteration of The Heart Revolution: From silos to the whole

Five weeks later, the group engaged in Arawana Hayashi’s powerful “Seed” dance. A core, body-based, mindfulness practice from Social Presencing Theatre (SPT), based on movement and stillness, that facilitates a deeper, felt sense of answers to questions through a knowing that can be directly experienced in the body — otherwise known as embodiment.

This was a transformative and definitive moment. Muda Mundo Já at that point was the first iteration of a working prototype originally planned as a 12-week course and instead evolved into an online festival and ongoing dialogue about how to make society better. With global and cultural sessions on diverse topics including nature, art, spirituality, money, community and leadership, they had 85 participants registered from 13 different countries including Bolivia, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Uganda & the USA.

85 festival participants joined from 13 different countries

From the beginning, it was clear that this was so much more than just a festival.

“Being part of the ‘Change the World Now’ movement has been a life changing experience for me. It seems like webs of committed visionaries, gifted, talented and wise peace workers and conscious people are all coming together in beautiful new ways, in an action-oriented manner to transform the world into what we imagine it to be. Each hub puts us in touch with amazing individuals that we interact with through meaningful connections that touch our hearts, inspire our souls, question our purpose here and call us to action.

I have already become a better version of myself, discovering my purpose, becoming more aware of my body and how to heal it and express myself in healthy ways, how to refine my poetic look on the elements, and how to respond to and ask questions that change the world.

Maxine Rendtorff, Teacher & Muda Mundo Já Participant (Brazil)

Scribing by Geisa Paganini

Challenging Assumptions About Finance

Frustrated with the ecological, social and spiritual divides facing humanity, the group shared transformative practices for change, testing out ideas and tools and daring to show up, even though some were afraid to do so.

The big innovation from the first iteration of this project was the understanding that everybody actively participating in “Change The World Now,” should also receive a financial benefit, recognizing their unique value and contribution to the change process.

By the second iteration, some team members had left and new ones had joined; this time they experimented with different financial models, (including the gift economy and conscious contribution where participants could choose to pay-what-you-like). Conversations about financial models were intense and yet through the three different iterations of this project, the group evolved from wanting to generate money to a concept of radical giving, where the work of other teams and projects can also be nourished with financial resources and support.

Listening to The Heart Revolution team talk about their exploration of various u.lab 2x tools and practices, it was hard not to be struck by their childlike sense of wonder and curiosity as they openly shared their experiences. Speaking from the heart requires courage; there is something humbling about listening to groups willing to uncover deeper parts of themselves; their awakening heart forces are truly palpable.

Scribing, reflecting on stakeholder interviews by Geisa Paganini

Shifting Attention From Outer To Inner:

From the very first meeting when the u.lab 2x group gathered as a team, they turned their focus inwards; conducting stakeholder interviews on themselves, creating deeper connections with each other as they listened to their shared goals.

Stakeholder interviews are of course an important part of the u.lab 2x process, designed to allow a group to see its work from the perspective of all those key stakeholders that may be part of a project’s wider ecosystem of impact.

The Heart Revolution: Turning the camera onto ourselves

The team gathered weekly and naturally over the three months of the u.lab 2x incubator (April — June 2021), challenges arose. It became apparent that their work was less about reaching milestones and chasing metrics, and more about learning to be truly present together. Holding a loving container, they created a space where judgments and conflicts could surface and be supported. By taking time to experience their felt connections with each other and as a group, it allowed for new inspirations to arise and facilitated changes, including the name change of the group from Muda Mundo Já to “The Heart Revolution.”

Perhaps even more importantly than the name change, was the change journey itself. Cultivating the relational field allowed for both an openness of heart and mind and a willingness to work through difficulties when they arose, enabling the group to remain present to what was wanting to come in its place by consciously accepting what was living in the shadows. By remaining attentive to what emerged, they were able to notice patterns and limiting beliefs rather than identify with them.

Making sculptures to reflect emerging possibilites with SPT

Working Through Tensions With Social Presencing Theatre

The Heart Revolution team used Social Presencing Theatre (SPT) techniques as a grounded exploration to listen to what their bodies and hearts were saying, as feelings of “we are not enough; we should do better; what is the impact; we need to do more,” surfaced.

SPT is a methodology developed by Arawana Hayashi for understanding current reality and exploring emerging future possibilities through simple body postures and movements. It helps to dissolve limiting mental constructs as a way to directly access intuition and make visible both current and deeper layers of reality.

By practicing SPT techniques, The Heart Revolution team were able to feel a greater sense of solidity as a group, acknowledging each other, finding ways to talk, share and listen to what each one had to contribute. It also offered a bridge from the hidden or unseen throughout their entire journey and built a greater capacity in the team to face the unknown.

The topic of money and abundance was a prominent one. Through SPT they broadened their understanding of what abundance means — by allowing themselves to be led through the heart, they found nourishment when they least expected it. Realizing that sharing abundance is also about living in a state of joy and being willing to share that state with others too.

Accessing The Field

The group was fortunate to have Geisa Paganini as part of the core team. She helped them see both the seen and unseen with generative scribing throughout the process.

Generative scribing is a visual practice where the scribe is involved in a process of not only mapping out ideas and allowing a visual synthesis of the words and concepts being shared, but also paying attention to the entire ecosystem of the conversation as a whole. Acting as a reflective feedback loop, a scribe is somehow able to capture the social field. It is a powerful tool emerging out of deep listening, to facilitate group learning.

“Generative scribing is a visual practice unique in our age, a distinct art form of the 21st century, functioning in the moment, across cultural boundaries, and as a device for social seeing.”

Kelvy Bird, Author of “Generative Scribing

Scribing by Geisa Paganini

Seeing the beautiful drawings Geisa had created throughout the weekly working sessions, the group was able to see and sense itself; aligning their vision and action together through shared dialogue and a willingness to be open to the process.

Sharing collective intentions at the start of the u.lab 2x journey. Scribing by Geisa Paganini

Revolution Of The Heart

Listening to the team behind The Heart Revolution you get this feeling that a tremendous heart power is awakening, not just through the individuals but through the collective field of the group as a whole.

As core team member Andréa profoundly shared,

“Be yourself now, with everything you already have. Recognize that and when we use the word seed, that’s what it is. We have everything we need. Like a seed. I think this was the biggest gift of all, because all the tensions that we have gone through means that we were leaving the kind of patterns and standards that don’t work anymore… This experience just gave me power just to understand that I already have everything I need.”

Andréa Nery

Creating community where everybody gets to shine. Scribing by Geisa Paganini

The Heart Revolution team have been planting seeds since their early genesis; their awareness based action evolving not just out of one individual perspective, but through the group as a whole. Grounded in authenticity, theirs is a poignant and tender journey of coming into greater wholeness. A community of practice willing to do the work required to evolve and learn from each other.

By staying in integrity with the process and remaining connected to open-hearted space, this has facilitated shifts not only in how the group operates, but also where they have put their energy and attention.

Scribing by Geisa Paganini

The tools of transformational literacy that u.lab 2x offers, has helped The Heart Revolution team to navigate their own way forwards. In these moments of global change and challenge, it could be tempting to try to come up with a one-size fits all model of change and transformation. This is neither realistic nor practical, given the complexity of the challenges humanity is currently facing.

What the u.lab 2x tools and processes have facilitated however, is a deeper, more grounded and practical exploration for The Heart Revolution team to explore and discover what their next best step looks like, whilst being held and supported by the larger container of the Presencing Institute community.

Cultivating the love

What’s Next?

If you are interested in following their journey and experiencing processes to connect and act from the heart, join The Heart Revolution 1.0, launching in August 2021.

For more details about how you can apply these transformative tools and practices in your own contexts, please do check out the next cycle of u.lab 1x starting this coming September.


See the websites for more details.

A very big thank you The Heart Revolution team, especially Patricia, Andréa & Dirk Bräuninger for the interview & Patricia, Randi, Rachel & Stefan for the interview, video & editing.



Priya Mahtani
Field of the Future Blog

Writer, Mother, Poet. Enthusiastically devoted to life, love & beauty in all forms. Creative Facilitator & Founder at School of Sophia. Cheerleader of dreams.