Gunakan Cerita dalam Presentasi Anda: Mengapa dan Bagaimana

Surja Wahjudianto
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2022

Simak penjelasan beserta contohnya, dalam bahasa Inggris

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Are you one of those who doubt the power of storytelling for presentations?

If your answer to the question is “yes”, read on. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll be a different person who then loves to use storytelling in presentations.


There are several reasons why you need to inject stories into your presentation. Here are three of them:

1. They make your presentation more entertaining

It’s in our nature that we, human beings, love stories. We read novels and watch movies because we love stories. Oh, and we gossip too because of the exact same reason.

2. They evoke the audience emotions

Thanks to the mirror neurons in our brain, we tend to feel the same when we observe others feel certain emotions. By telling stories, others can feel the emotion in them. When we tell a happy story, the audience feels happy. When we tell them a motivational story, the audience feels motivated.

3. They make your presentation memorable

Stories last long in our brain. When we tell a story in our presentation, the audience will remember it even after a long time later. When they remember the story, they will likely remember our presentation.


There are several ways you can put stories in your presentation:

1. In the opening

You can use a story to open your presentation. This is known as one of the effective ways to start a presentation due to its power to draw attention.

Many presentations at TED Talks started with a story. One of my favorites is the one delivered by Ashley Stahl. Take the time to watch it and you’ll know how effective it is to draw the audience's attention.

Pick a story relevant to your topic and use it to orient your audience to your presentation points. Make sure the story is short enough so you won’t exceed the allotted time.

2. Put in the body

A story can be put in the body of your presentation to explain a certain idea or concept. Besides having the ability to make your presentation more entertaining, this story helps your audience understand your point better.

3. As the closing

Some speakers like to give a story in their closing to make the audience leave the event feel motivated and inspired. The story can also make the presentation memorable.

4. As the presentation itself

A single story can be used as the whole presentation, from the beginning to the end. This is especially for a motivational or inspirational presentation. The takeaways are sprinkled about here and there among the events in the story.


Normally a story comprises of three components:

1. Setup

2. Conflict

3. Resolution

1. Setup

Setup is where you introduce the characters in the story. Here is also where you tell where and when the event happened.

2. Conflict

Conflict is where the characters in the story meet challenges. This element is what makes the story interesting.

3. Resolution

Resolution is where the character can finally overcome the challenges. This is also where the speaker gives the takeaways of the story.


The following example is taken from a true story told by a student of mine in one of my classes. The original version was told in bahasa Indonesia.

(Setup) That late evening the bus that took us back from our study tour stopped right in front of the gate of our dormitory. The passengers, who were all my classmates, got off the bus and entered the dormitory right away. My friend and I, on the other hand, had a different plan. We sneaked out and walked away from the group to buy nasi goreng just around the corner. We thought it wouldn’t be long.

(Conflict) It turned out that it took the seller so long to serve our order because there were several other customers before us. So by the time we finished our meals and returned to the dormitory, we found that it had been closed.

So we quietly walked away and look for a place to stay the night. We found a mushalla and decided to sleep in there.

The following morning we returned to the dormitory as early as possible hoping that our ustadza would not spot us. But when we arrived there, our ustadza was already waiting for us. We both were ready for any kind of punishment we would be getting.

(Resolution) To our surprise, instead of giving us punishment, the ustadza showed us her compassion and care. In a motherly tone, she said that she was worried with out absence and asked us if we were both all right.

So, by now I hope that you are convinced that using stories in presentations is necessary and you are able to use at least one in your next presentation.



Surja Wahjudianto

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