How Smiling and Enthusiasm Can Improve Presentation Skills

Chasin Mizrahi
Presentation Skills
2 min readMar 3, 2018

One of the more underrated aspects of a presentation that can make or break it is attitude. Many people going into presentations very nervous, with a negative attitude. This translates to the presentation because the presenter is nervous and not mentally prepared. Mental preparation is very important for public speaking, because if relives nerves and makes you feel and seem more confident. Part of mental preparation is getting yourself in the right mindset to present. For me, whenever I am nervous for something, I like to turn to music. Music can pump you up or calm you down, but either way this can get you ready to perform. Listening to music can even turn nerves into enthusiasm which makes you excited to present. “It pumps me up and helps me turn jitters into focused enthusiasm.” (Kim, 2016). I believe that the strategy of listening to music is very effective because you are consciously doing it to mentally prepare yourself for the presentation. It is incredibly important to attack your presentation with enthusiasm because you will be excited to communicate your information with your audience. This makes your argument seem stronger.

“A close-up of headphones on a flat surface with bokeh effect in the background” by Alphacolor 13 on Unsplash

Enthusiastic speeches often win over the audience, as opposed to an eloquent one. Another extremely effective way to improve your presentation, although it sounds simple, is to smile. “Smiling increases endorphins, replacing anxiety with enthusiasm and making you feel good about your presentation.” (Kim, 2016). I believe that smiling is very important for your presentation because not only does it exhibit confidence in your speech, it also makes your audience feel more engaged with you. This could pay major dividends because your audience can feel like you are speaking directly to them personally, as opposed to just reading off of a slideshow.

Photo by Erick Tang on Unsplash

Overall, I believe the combination of smiling, and using tools such as music to get you mentally prepared for your presentation can really improve your presentation.

20 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills. (2016). Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from

