How to use presentation skills to get a promotion

Chasin Mizrahi
Presentation Skills
2 min readMar 1, 2018

A couple of months ago, I had reached out to the summer camp that I have been working at for the past three summers and attend as a camper for ten summers prior to that. After being a part of the camp for so many years I’ve seen counselors take leadership roles in the camp. The biggest, most coveted job is a division head/ group leader. Being a division head garners a lot of respect as well as a bonus and pay raise. All aspects of this job seemed enticing. After my 2nd summer as a counselor I made it my goal to become a group leader. My 3rd summer as a counselor I saw a few of my friends from growing up become group leaders. Last semester, when it came time to apply for camp again, I made my interests clear to the owners/ administration of the camp. I listed my experience and qualifications for the position. I was so interested and determined to get the position that I offered to interview for it. It was vital for me to use my presentation skills during my interview in order to impress the camps administration. My main skill I used was confidence. When conducting an interview, it is extremely important to be confident. It is important to come off as confident, as well as being confident in what you are saying so you don’t sound like you know what you are saying. Oftentimes, in interviews, people mumble and use filler words such “um” or “like”. These words are huge turn offs to interviewers, and they will usually not take someone who uses these words often in their interviews. As cliché as it sounds, it is true; confidence is key. Being confident and presenting my strengths and qualifications I felt like I performed very well in my interview. Using these skills really paid off for me, as today I received a phone call from the program director of my camp Informing me that I had be given a job as a group leader for this upcoming summer.

