Real World Application of Presentation Skills

Chasin Mizrahi
Presentation Skills
1 min readFeb 26, 2018

Last semester, in October, I was given the opportunity to practice my soft skill of presentation skills. I appeared on NBC’s Today Show hosted by Megyn Kelly. I was interviewed by her live, in front of a studio audience. This allowed me to utilize my strength of public speaking, while at the same time practicing my presentation skills. For many people it can be overwhelming to be interviewed live on national TV in front of a real crowd. For me, it was the opposite. To take some of the tention out of myself to be able to focus on the interview, I had members of the audience whom I knew. This way, I would not be focusing on the mass numbers of people who I didn’t know. This is a good strategy because it looks like you are looking at the audience, but in reality I was only focusing on two people in the crowd. These tactics made the interview go very smoothly as I feel I presented myself and answered the questions very successfully. I will be able to utilize these skills in the future when I need to go out for a professional job interview. These skills will be vital in helping me perform well in the interview, and hopefully get the position I am interviewing for.

