The Importance of Presentation Skills in Business

Chasin Mizrahi
Presentation Skills
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

In today’s world, businesses are beginning to look for employees who are more soft skill oriented than hard skilled. Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people, while hard skills are more technical and program oriented. Soft skills are incredibly important in business because you need to be able to interact effectively and efficiently with other people. The soft skill I plan to focus on is presentation skills. Presentation skills are the ability to present to others effectively and efficiently, with confidence in order to persuade the listeners to trust what you are saying is important to them. When presenting, it is very important to avoid filler words such as “um” or “like”. It is extremely important to avoid these filler words because not only does it make your presentation sound more confident and professional, but it also portrays you as a more competent professional which aids you in whatever business you are doing. This particular skill is very important to me in particular because I believe that public speaking and presentation skills is my greatest strength. I enjoy speaking in front of people and presenting various ideas. I believe I am a very strong communicator. I am very good speaking on a whim. I have been interviewed many times including being interviewed on live TV in front of a studio audience. My blog can be helpful to those trying to become a better public speaker and gain confidence in these situations. Like for most things there are keys, tricks, and tips that make public speaking easier. This only improves presentation skills, as you will be able to communicate even better. One question about presentation skills that I would like to answer in this project, is how to make arguments more persuasive, and how this can be effective in presentations. I believe this question will be answered in my project, and it is very important because oftentimes in business you need the strongest argument to get the job/win the proposal. Overall, my goal for this project is to help others become a more confident public speaker, and I believe this will in fact aid them in improving their presentation skills.

