Acciyo Wins The 9th AI Startup Battle at PAPIs ’18 in Boston

Fabien Durand
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2018

PreSeries is a Machine-Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) platform that collects startup data from a vast set of sources to generate the most accurate picture of early-stage companies and their industries. Startup investors use PreSeries to automate their startup deal-sourcing and assessment efforts. We help VC firms become software companies. Get in touch.

Anum Hussain — Co-founder of Acciyo (left) & Severin Ibarluzea — CTO at WorkAround

The 9th A.I. Startup Battle (hosted by PAPIs ’18 at Microsoft NERD) came to an end last week (October 16th 2018) in Boston in fully automated fashion. The jury of this unique competition, our very own AI, has predicted that Acciyo was the startup most likely to succeed after an intense Q&A session between the startups and PreSeries’ AI. Acciyo designed a browser plugin using natural language processing to give active news readers quick context as they read. To get started on that journey, their debut product is a Google Chrome extension that helps news seekers save time and dig deeper. As you read an article, Acciyo appears to the right of your screen like a bookmark sleeve, using natural language processing to populate a timeline of everything published on that subject, kind of like previous chapters of a news story. They aim to make it easier for any news reader to get the context they need to read the news with ease.

Anum Hussain — Co-founder of Acciyo pitching

In the battle, all five startups have had the chance to introduce their company during a 5­-minute pitch prior to the human-AI interaction. Later on, PreSeries’ AI took the time to ask some questions to both contenders about key aspects of their business. The exchange was made possible through a voice-assistant device present on stage (our very own ‘VC-in-a-box’).

PreSeries’ very own “VC-in-a-Box”

In second place came WorkAround. They’re an impact sourcing provider helping companies get more done for less, while giving jobs to refugees. Their mission is to restore dignity to refugees through economic empowerment by connecting them to online work, allowing businesses to maximize their internal human potential while contributing to a more socially just and productive world. They envision a world where talent knows no boundaries, ​opportunity doesn’t ask for status, and work is rewarded with fair pay.

Severin Ibarluzea — CTO at WorkAround pitching

The dream team who helped make it happen:

  • PAPIs — PAPIs is the 1st series of international conferences dedicated to real-world Machine Learning applications, and the innovations, techniques and tools that power them. It combines the best of industry and academic conferences, with its expert committee of reviewers and its publications in PMLR. PAPIs is also committed to increasing diversity in ML by making it easier for certain groups to attend conferences.
  • BigML — BigML is the leading Machine Learning company that pioneered the creation of Machine Learning as a Service (MLAAS). BigML offers a consumable, programmable and scalable Machine Learning platform that makes it easy to solve and automate Machine Learning tasks. BigML’s platform helps tens of thousands of analysts, software developers, and scientists from organizations of all sizes and industries to transform data into actionable models.

To be continued … ;)

