PreSeries #AngelRanking — Top 5 Angel Investors In France

Fabien Durand
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

Angels investors are on the front-line of innovation, trusting teams in their early days, evaluating alpha-prototypes, and backing unproven ideas before everyone else. They end up writing virtually every startup’s first cheque. But some are better than others at finding hidden gems. Today let’s look at the 5 most prolific angel investors in France for the past 18 years.


Xavier Niel (born 25 August 1967) is a French billionaire businessman, active in the telecommunications and technology industry and best known as founder and majority shareholder of the French Internet service provider and Mobile operator Iliad trading under the Free brand (France’s second-largest ISP, and third mobile operator). He is also co-owner of the newspaper Le Monde, and co-owner of the rights of the song “My Way” and owner of Monaco Telecom. He is deputy chairman and chief strategy officer for Iliad. As of April 2018, his net worth is estimated at US$6.1 billion. Source


Fabrice Grinda (born 3 August 1974) is a French entrepreneur, blogger for Business Insider and super angel, with more than 200 investments around the world, including Alibaba Group, Airbnb, Beepi, FanDuel, Palantir, and Windeln. Grinda has had $300 million in investment exits. He is the co-founder and former CEO of Aucland, Zingy, and OLX and is a frequent conference speaker on trends in technology, emerging markets, and investing. Source


Jacques-Antoine Granjon born in Marseille (France) on 9 August 1962 in Marseille, is a French entrepreneur and CEO of He graduated from the European Business School (EBS). In 2013, his fortune is estimated at 1.07 billion dollars (800 million euros according to the magazine Challenges. Source


Oleg Tscheltzoff is one of the top serial internet entrepreneurs but also a successful angel investor with over 30 investments, board member, serious innovator, provocateur, disruptor, and connector. As an entrepreneur, Oleg has leveraged a global vision and knowledge of international business, management and marketing to develop successful online businesses. In 2004 Oleg co-founded, the first global online social marketplace for creative digital stock images. As president, he led the company to the world’s largest microstock photography site. Prior to Fotolia, Oleg co-founded Amen, the leading Internet hosting company in France, which was sold in 2004 to Vianetworks. Source


Thibaud Elziere is a french entrepreneur. He founded Fotolia one of the leading image bank in the world, just after finishing his studies at Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2004. Thibaud Elziere co-founded Zilok in 2007 with Marion Carrette and Gary Cige. In 2011, he cofounded eFounders a startup studio with Quentin Nickmans. He is the co-founder of many internet startups like mention, mailjet, textmaster, aircall, front, spendesk, forestadmin, slite, station, upflow. He is also invested as a business Angel in more than 100 tech startups in the US and Europe. Source

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