PreSeries #AngelRanking — Top 5 Angel Investors In Spain

Fabien Durand
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2018

Angels investors are on the front-line of innovation, trusting teams in their early days, evaluating alpha-prototypes, and backing unproven ideas before everyone else. They end up writing virtually every startup’s first cheque. But some are better than others at finding hidden gems. Today let’s look at the 5 most prolific angel investors in Spain for the past 18 years.


François Derbaix is Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Indexa Capital (2015), Bewa7er (2014), Aplazame (2014), (2012), (2003, sold to in 2012) and (2000, sold to HomeAway in 2012). He is an investor in Internet startups, mostly in Spain, and a web entrepreneur. He lives in Madrid and specializes in Internet startups. Source


Yago Arbeloa started his first company while studying the degree. Today he is the President of Hello Media Group, a creative advertising and marketing agency he founded in 2013. As a result of this entrepreneurial mentality, Yago is President of the Association of Internet Investors and Entrepreneurs (AIEI). Before founding Hello Media, he set up, an ISP startup that he sold in 2011 to Arsys (later acquired by 1 & 1). In addition to being an entrepreneur, Yago also acts as an investor in startups, with contributions of between 50K / 100K €, among which are We are knitters, iContainers, Clever PPC, Safecreative, Startupxplore, Wazypark, Holded, Hooks, Indexa, Sendy, Offemily, Lord Wildmore, PlayItApp, Vitamin K, Smartycontent, Ludei, Zacatrus, Novicap, They are some of them. It has also closed several exits, as in the startups Ducksboard, Sync and Iasoft. Source


Carlos Blanco is a serial entrepreneur who specializes in multimedia, telecommunications, and project management. He has founded a number of companies which include, New- Info, Diser 2000, OACE Servicios Informáticos, Insap Consulting, Grupo ITnet, First Tuesday, Akamon Entertainment, Conector Startup Accelerator, and more. Blanco also works as a mentor, speaker, lecturer, and moderator at various institutions and events.Blanco holds master’s degrees from the University of Navarra, the University of Pompeu Fabra, and the University of Autònoma de Barcelona. Source


Andreas is a German Angel Investor having invested in more than 40 international startups, most of them located in Spain, but also startups based in USA, UK, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Malta. Andreas co-founded his first internet company Omniga in 1999 and, after reaching profitability within 2 years, grew it to a venture builder focused on business models based on subscription services with more than 150 employees as of today. In 2012 Andreas started investing in startups and later also got engaged in the Spanish ecosystem as founder of Marbella Tech Angels, a network of more than 80 investors, mentors & influencers living around Marbella. Andreas is also co-founder of the Global Super Angels Club, a platform for angel investors usually investing six-figure euro amounts in startups, supporting its members to improve their deal flow and speed up their search for like-minded co-investors. Source


Carlos is co-founder and managing partner of SPiCE VC, a truly liquid, transparent and inclusive VC thanks to advances in blockchain technologies. SPiCE VC invests in startups via shares and ICOs and focuses on the post-seed, pre-Series A/pre-ICO companies in hot and disruptive technologies (blockchain, AR/VR, AI/ML, etc.). Carlos was President and CEO of Telefonica R&D and Director of Product Development and Innovation at Telefonica Digital; he joined the company in 2006 as Director of Internet & Multimedia and Director of the Barcelona Center. Carlos holds a MSc in computer science from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, a PhD in computer science from the Polytechnic University in Catalonia and post grad business studies from Stanford Graduate School of Business. With more than 15 years of experience in the IT and telecommunications world, he has developed a big part of his career in Japan and USA, being VP of Celartem Technologies and eventually becoming the President & CEO of its subsidiary in Seattle after merging Extensis LizardTech and DiamonSoft. Source

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