Chapter 20: The First Year is Nothing

Khumbo Mhone
President’s Girls
4 min readAug 24, 2016

Mrs. Grace Chiume’s favorite spot at the Academy was the porte cochère. She always took her time getting to it, especially on a cool Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Chiume would walk straight out of the Dining Hall and up the Appian Way, counting each crack in the ground beneath her as she went.

The Administrative Building would slowly loom before her, red brick stark against blue skies. She stepped out of the sunshine and into the cool shade of the covered courtyard. To her left the door to the reception and faculty offices was always open, the white curtains within billowing out towards her. A colleague would be filling out paperwork or reprimanding a senior on a minor offense. Most Saturday afternoons meant an empty Assembly Hall. All the chairs stacked up against the floor to ceiling windows on either side. The floor in between gleaming from a recent wax.

Mrs. Chiume would take a breath and behold the sight before her. Framed perfectly in between both buildings was the ornamental lake, splendid in its stillness. The porte cochère was a little slice of heaven for her. She could walk right up to the edge of the lake whilst staying shaded. Students weren’t allowed on the porte cochère, something Mrs. Chiume had always envied when she was a young girl at the Academy. She couldn’t wait to stand in its shade one day.

Today, however, she couldn’t enjoy her alone time. Four of her girls had been caught in a dangerous situation and she had to set her nostalgia aside to deal with it. She had called the meeting in Elita Chipanda’s room, away from the prying eyes of the dorm office and even further away from the Headmaster.

Lindani, Temwa, Khadija, and Alinafe sat on one bed. Each girl trying their best not to touch the other. Mrs. Chiume sat on the opposite bed and looked at each of them before speaking.

“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such stupidity in one night.” She said.

Four small heads dropped further into their chests.

“You left your corridor during prep time, trespassed on faculty property, tampered with electrical equipment and then went on to harass one student and in the process ended up injuring another. This is all grounds for expulsion!”

Khadija, Temwa, and Lindani looked at each other. Alinafe crossed her arms, her mouth shrinking into a thin smirk of satisfaction.

“Don’t think you’re safe Alinafe. Your track record as a bully in this hostel is staggering and very disturbing.I’ve never known such malice in someone so young.”

Alinafe’s face fell. All four girls were now one in their uncertainty and huddled together.

“I had some of the best years of my life in this place. I forged friendships that are still alive to this day and I was able to do that because I moved past my initial impressions of my fellow classmates,” She took a deep breath, “If I take you to the Headmaster’s Office right now, he’ll expel you on the spot. He thinks that this crop of first years is too unruly and he’s been looking for someone to make an example out of.”

It was Temwa who spoke first, the cut above her eye was still scabbing over.

“Please Miss. We’re sorry, it was stupid. Don’t expel us.”

Their pleas started to pour out all at once then. Each one talking over the other in a bid to show the most remorse. Mrs. Chiume raised her hand.

“You’re not getting expelled. In fact I won’t even tell the Headmaster.”

The girls all went quiet at once.

“You’re going to lie to him?” Khadija said.

“I was a student here once. I know a thing or two about lying to Headmasters.”

Mrs. Chiume laughed at her own cleverness. The girls didn’t. She cleared her throat.

“What I’m saying is I’m giving you a second chance because I don’t believe that your education should end over this one thing. You won’t get expelled,” She raised a hand before they could start speaking again, “Instead you will be in detention for a whole month. You will serve the detentions together. Furthermore you will live together in the flats for all of next year. Any questions?”

“…Can I take the expulsion?” Lindani said.

“No. I hope you have a great holiday girls because next year is going to be a real learning experience.”

Mrs. Chiume got up and smiled at the girls before leaving. They watched the door close behind her then looked at each other.

“We’re screwed.” Alinafe said.

Form One is over for the girls!Catch them after the holidays when they’ll be back for their second year at Kamuzu Academy. President’s Girls will be going on a break until further notice. Enjoyed this series? Spread the love and share it on your social media. Til next time!



Khumbo Mhone
President’s Girls

Khumbo Mhone is an actor, writer, and entrepreneur currently living in Malawi.