Lubna Qadri
Presidential Debates
3 min readFeb 25, 2016


Here They Come, Houston!

Here they come, and they fly with the power of the sun
Here they come, and they’re going to touch everyone
Far, far, have they come

Here they come, and the fire on their wings doesn’t burn
Here they come, and they know everything we must learn
Round, round, we must turn

Watch out, you, sinners
Don’t you know that your time has come?
Watch out, you, winners
Now it’s the same for everyone

Here they come, and the stars in their eyes seem to glow
Here they come, and the fear in our hearts starts to go
Now, now, now we all know

University of Houston, CNN and Telemundo are finalizing their preparation for the big day. Yes! After waiting for weeks, GOP debate has been confirmed on Feb. 25, 2016 in Houston, TX.
GOP debate brings excitement for many Houstonians who are waiting to feel the momentum.

The Reality of Houston:

The culture of the city represents many colors from all over the world that makes it utmost diverse city in the United States. In reality, a big proportion of this diversity has no legal status. The most recent census shows that the Houston’s 2 million population is made up of fifty percent white, twenty four percent African Americans, six percent Asians, and forty four percent Hispanic or Latinos. Interestingly, these numbers show only those foreigners who are legal immigrants. Houston has become a heaven for many illegal immigrants, who cross the Mexican borders to enter in the United States.

In 30 years, it’s Hispanic population has more than tripled(281,000 to 919,000), while the black population has only increased moderately(by 50,000) and the white population has decreased by nearly 300,000(834,000 to 537,000). Now, I know that Hispanics are known for having more children than other ethnicity’s but 3 times ?

Dramatic increase in illegal immigrants has smacked down economy in Houston and caused many underlined problems, city has got to deal. Illegal immigration. Corporate interests reap the benefits of cheap labor, while taxpayers pay the infrastructural cost. The majority of illegal immigrants are illiterate and language barriers and manage to live without having been noticed for years. The problem has enormous impact, not only on economy, but also on healthcare, education, and lifestyle of the city that has been changing its trend.

What about to Come:

So, what Republicans are expecting from Houston? Houston could be the tough cookie for the Republicans. Donald Trumps’ recent winnings may not help him here in Houston, due to his clear statement about Mexicans and Muslims immigration. Ted Cruz is not only Texas senator, but also a conservative and holds Hispanic heritage, can get more support than Trump and Marco Rubio. 65% conservatives in Houston support Cruz ideology about the gay marriages and abortion. Houston may bring Cruz’s victory, again.

