Iowa Caucus 2016

Lubna Qadri
Presidential Debates
2 min readFeb 3, 2016


The countdown has ended after days of waiting to see what Iowa voters would bring to us. Monday night was the toughest night for the all Republican and Democratic candidates, who were trying hard to get more voters on their side. What has come out has a proof of Iowans’ traditional and conservative strong belief for the United States president.

Cruz campaign in Iowa has been paid off today and brought a great success for him. Iowa Caucus is the first convention for Cruz.

Muscatine, Iowa (CNN) — Ted Cruz has crisscrossed Iowa, headed to all 99 counties and has aggressively targeted this state’s evangelical voters.

Many people who believed on Trump’s victory during his Iowa campaign has been in shock since last night. Trump’s dominating personality and over confidence underestimated Cruz’s strategies in Iowa .

“We will go on to get the Republican nomination and we will go on to easily beat Hillary or Bernie,” Trump told supporters. “We finished second, and I have to say I am just honored.”

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sander’s tie is a hope for Clinton in New Hampshire. In Iowa, Sander’s big support came from students and youth, but didn’t make much as he needed for winning. Clinton also didn’t gain more than 50.1percent from her supporters.

