Thoughts about Ted Cruz

Joshua Jennings
Presidential Debates
3 min readMay 13, 2016

Senator Ted Cruz announced his Vice Presidential candidate in late April as Carly Fiorina. Why would he declare a vice president? Why pick Carly Fiorina?


Why announce a Vice President?

This was an unusual move, because most presidential candidates wait until after the nomination. However, his announcement came after Trump had seized momentum by sweeping all five of the East Coast states (Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island). This seemed to be an attempt to revitalize his campaign and block Trump from securing the nomination by sparking attention around Cruz to gain votes within Indiana.

Why Carly?

He may have wanted her as a running mate so Hillary Clinton couldn’t use the “woman card” as termed by Donald Trump. Although, she says Senator Ted Cruz didn’t pick her because she’s a woman, I do think this was a factor in his decision to pick her as a Vice President.

It could remind people of how Trump acted towards women. Sparking the memory of a controversial statement Trump said about Carly, saying something like is this the face you want running this country? This was big deal and made him sound like a misogynist.

Also, she would fight back against Trump. In the primary debates she did not allow Trump to bully her and fought back against him verbally, which is good because it means she won’t just be insulted like Jeb Bush (jk).

Also, Senator Ted Cruz said that he liked her and she has been helping the Cruz campaign since she’s dropped out, making her into a potentially valuable asset.

Trump’s response?

The embedding didn’t seem to let the video play :(

Trump posted a tweet with a 4 second video, which showed Carly Fiorina saying “Ted Cruz is just like any other politician; he says whatever he needs to say to get elected.” This was said prior to her helping the Cruz campaign obviously, but definitely did not help the situation.

Seems Senator Ted Cruz forgot about this, that might not have been good.


Despite Senator Ted Cruz’s efforts, this inevitably failed to get the delegates in Indiana and caused Cruz to drop out of the race. Not too long after Kasich also dropped out securing Trump the nomination for the Republican party.

What we wish the announcement was.

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted he had an announcement and the excitement swelled up inside of me. He was going to finally do it… finally, admit he was the Zodiac Killer. However, I was severely disappointed because he only named a Vice President. Maybe next time.

