Breaking Bad and Entrepreneurship: Meet Characteristics of the Series That Have Everything to Do With Your Business

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2018

If you’ve ever watched Breaking Bad you may be wondering what it has to do with entrepreneurship and why I did an article connecting one thing to another, right?

Of course, a meth smuggler does not have much to teach us, but it turns out that the series does not just involve the attitudes of an outlaw.

The cool thing for us is to know that the character Walter White, a family father who worked as a chemistry teacher, really becomes a very successful entrepreneur — kept to the right proportions, of course.

The idea behind this article is to show how Breaking Bad, one of the most marathon-rated television series, can help you get some insights about you and your business in a way, let’s say, unusual.

Let’s read?

About Breaking Bad

The plot of Breaking Bad involves a chemistry professor, Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, who one day discovers an irreversible cancer in the lung.

So he decides to market methamphetamine along with a student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), as a way to raise money not to leave his family helpless when he dies.

What the character did not imagine, is the tremendous success that this endeavor would bring, despite the various sorrows (and put several on it)!

Well, I do not have to say it’s from there that the Breaking Bad series starts to get really electrifying.

But leave it to me when you go to watch, I know you have not seen it, after all, it is one of the most watched of all time!

What Does Breaking Bad Have To Do With Your Business?
Breaking Bad is all about your business.


As much as Walter White has not bet on a very correct job there, not to say completely out of ethics, he does indeed become an entrepreneur.

In addition to having to ensure the success of the venture, Walter, like you, still has some problems, especially with customers.

Good, but if you still do not believe that Breaking Bad can inspire you, check out the following topics about the lessons it offers and draw your own conclusions!

1 — Have a quality product

By being a chemistry teacher and getting to know the area a lot, Walter White knew how to create the best methamphetamine on the market.

And he did.

As a result, the trafficker has won the public and secured many sales, you can believe!

2 — Bet on Differentials

In Breaking Bad, Walter White had the ability to create a methamphetamine in the blue color, something that no one had achieved.

And it was this differential that attracted the public and guaranteed the creation of a brand for its product.

More than that, the outfit chosen for meetings with the other drug dealers and cartel bosses, a hat and sunglasses, gave rise to the Heisenberg, his incredible and lofty identity as a trafficker.

It, coupled with the blue color of the drug, made the product simply become very well known and desired in New Mexico.

3 — You can grow even with little business experience

Yes, most successful entrepreneurs failed (and a lot) until they reached the desired level.

But that is not a rule.

Some of them actually work right out of the box and thrive even more with the passage of time.

It was so in the Breaking Bad series.

Walter White produced the drug in an old trailer in the middle of the desert.

And the way to put that lot of money together (whoever watched it knows what I’m talking about) was not even long, believe me if you want!

It was enough focus, vision, competence, persistence and will to do.

Did you see how Breaking Bad is all about you and your business?

The focus that Walter White put on his business really made all the difference.

So what do you think of using the good part of this intriguing story to get some insights?




Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.