Business ideas for 2020: what are the most profitable options?

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2020

Are you looking for business ideas for 2020?

Do you have a differentiated skill in any area such as cooking, technology, beauty and aesthetics, consulting, etc.?

Are you exhausted from being employed and want to own your own business?

If the answer is yes, then you are reading the correct text!

Here I will address the most profitable business ideas for 2020 for those who want to undertake doing what they like and, the best, being paid for it.

Turn your skill into a business

Have authority in the market working your way, whenever you want and understand, betting on business ideas for 2020.

Build your routine, make implementations in your product or service, have the freedom to put your identity, in short, meet the demand in your own way, but remember to have as your main allies dexterity, commitment and quality.

Considering these points, below we will see some business ideas for 2020 that are very profitable for you.

Check out!

1 - Healthy eating

The first tip of business ideas for 2020 is the healthy food market.

After all, to acquire a perfect body, an intense exercise routine is essential, in addition to the consumption of foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

And the most interesting thing is that nowadays most people want to eat more naturally in search not necessarily of the perfect body, but of health and well-being.

With that in mind, you can sell fitness lunches or kilo food to an extremely large market.

But it is also important to have a varied menu with the most popular foods such as: grilled chicken, lean meat, egg, sweet potatoes, salads, etc.

Speaking specifically of lunchboxes, there is the option of delivering food (frozen or not) directly to customers’ homes or offices.

If you choose a restaurant, attract even more attention from the clientele with an air-conditioned and pleasant environment.

2 - E-Commerce

Opening an online store is one of the best business idea bets for 2020.

That’s because you can enjoy the benefits of the internet and build your sales online without having to spend absurd.

Just conduct a brief search for the most popular products (if you intend to resell), select potential suppliers and advertise your brand on social networks.

Some examples that we can find in the search engines are virtual stores that sell jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, electronics and others.

3 - Coaching

The relentless pursuit of growth in the professional or personal sphere makes many people chase after a specialist.

The coach usually has extensive technical knowledge and masters one or more specific areas.

Therefore, he is able to give tips, insights and valuable guidance to leverage a company’s business or stimulate people on a professional or personal level.

He can also give motivational speeches and provide consulting and mentoring services.

And the best …

It is possible to open a coaching micro-company and only work on subjects that have more affinity.

However, to enter this field it is recommended that you have a training in coaching.

4 - Pets market

Here’s one more among the interesting business ideas for 2020.

Do you love animals?

Do you love to pamper them, treat them with great affection and give enough love and attention?

In view of this, opening a company specializing in pets is an excellent idea!

You can provide the most diverse types of services, such as homemade food, clinic, clothes, etc.

But it is important to stand out among the competitors with differentials, after all, the market is profitable, but there are already many people working in it.

These are some of the best Business Ideas for 2020.


Applying one of them in an assertive manner will surely have a positive profitability and will take a giant step towards success.

I help companies achieve results in their business through information security, talk to me now.



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.