Coronavirus impacts on entrepreneurship: see what to do to minimize them

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2020

Today I want to talk about the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship, but I also want to show that there are some strategies that you can adopt to avoid further losses and damages in your earnings.

In other words, the tip is to avoid looking only at the bad side of the situation and try to find opportunities to make your company continue to be perceived by the public.

It is possible, for example, to carry out the work in the home office, bet on delivery and evaluate the alternative of offering services in the virtual version.

But be careful: this does not mean that there will be no negative repercussions, but that it is necessary to think about actions that help people and that will prevent your business from having a great loss.

In this text you will learn a little more about the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship and also some guidelines on how to minimize them.

So come on!

What are the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship, anyway?
In fact, the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship are quite high.

With the increase in cases growing in Brazil — 4,256 on March 29, 2020, according to data from the State Health Departments presented by G1 — the routine in people’s lives could not change.

To make matters worse, the stock exchange had a historic drop a few days ago and the dollar is down 1.34% (R $ 4.9936), also according to G1.

Not to mention our terrible routine.

As soon as we leave the house, we have little relationship and, of course, we are practically not consuming products and services for fear of the new pandemic.

And this is precisely the guideline: to be inmates and leave as little as possible until we have greater control of the disease.

But what about you, who are an entrepreneur and are already feeling (or are about to feel) the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship and your business? What to do?

In the next topic you will learn about some alternatives.

What can be done to minimize the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship?

Now you will know some tips on what to do to minimize the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship, more specifically on your business, of course!

1 — Bet on remote work

Panicking about the impact of coronavirus on entrepreneurship or even the possibility of the disease reaching you, your family and your employees will not help you much.

It is necessary to follow the guidelines related to preventive measures, but it is also essential to think about the survival of your business.

One alternative is to get the team to do remote work (and that includes you and the leaders as well).

But one must be careful with that distance, as it can lead to discouragement and loss of focus.

To resolve, hold daily meetings by Cisco Webex as a way of aligning actions and strategies.

Thus, employees remain motivated and focused.

But it is important that these virtual meetings focus on the essential issues for the business.

After all, as human beings we tend to look at the bad things more than the good, and this loss of axis is what can put everything to lose.

2 — Use delivery

Regardless of your business, the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship can be greatly minimized if you find alternatives to continue serving your audience.

One of them, depending on the product, is delivery through the well-known delivery.

It is, in times of quarantine, when no one leaves home, the option of taking your business to the client’s home is really an excellent way to earn.

If you already use delivery, intensify the performance and disseminate this intensification to your audience.

If you still don’t use it, join the strategy.

Customers are grateful and so is your company’s health.

3 — Go online

If your company operates with classes, consultancies, therapies or any other market where it is possible to provide assistance online, do not think twice about joining the option.

So your business doesn’t stop and you also have the chance to continue helping people who depend on you. And, who knows, it even has the possibility to increase the clientele.

So bet on marketiing on Google and social media and try to attract even more people.

In fact, the impacts of coronavirus on entrepreneurship are inevitable and we are all feeling these effects.

Still, there are alternatives to avoid a big loss of revenue.

Think about it!



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.