Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Education business is definitely on the rise.

And with the online world it became even easier to bet on this type of enterprise, after all, it is possible to offer a course or training without limit to customers.

What does that mean?

Scale gain!

Well, it is enough to make the training available on the internet for all interested people to pay for the registration, regardless of the number of users and region of residence.

Obviously the option is quite different from the face-to-face classes, in which you need to be physically present and can only put the number of people that can fit in the room.

And the best thing is that it is possible to have a business like this if you are already a teacher and know all the nuances of teaching or if you are “just” an expert in a certain market or subject.

Want a practical example?

Let’s assume that you passed the first positions in a public tender and therefore you know the various tricks to gain approval.

Why not design a course with the method you used and make it available for others to buy and also have the chance to win a place?

Does that look interesting?

And it is!

To learn other business tips in the education area, just read this text!

What types of education businesses can you set up?

There are several business alternatives in the area of ​​education for you to open.

And now I will give the tips of some of them.

My only recommendation is to consider online options first.

It is clear that the choice of whether or not to go to the classroom is yours, but it is important to remember that if your intention is to earn more and wear less with hours and hours standing up teaching, it is very worthwhile to evaluate this possibility.

Look at that!

1 — Online course or training

Among the business options in the area of ​​education, this is certainly one of the best.

Are you a teacher of English, Portuguese, mathematics?

Offer an online course for a specific niche, which can be a public exam, Enem or even tutoring for students with difficulties in a particular discipline.

Are you not a teacher?

No problem!

It is possible to bet on an area that has a lot of expertise.
So you can teach other people to reach the same level as you did.

No, for that it is not necessary that you have a master’s degree or teaching experience.

Just plan and organize your method and create the video lessons in a structured and detailed step by step.

A very friendly platform that allows the creation of online courses is Hotmart.


Then log in to understand how it works!

2 — Subscription club

Continuing to talk about business options in the field of education made online, the subscription club, quite profitable today, can be very interesting for you.

Want an insight into what to do?

Meet TAG — Literary Experiences.

Basically this company sends a surprise book every month to its literature-loving subscribers.

Not cool?

Just for you to have an idea of ​​profitability, it reaches revenues of R $ 1.4 million every month with this project.

Yes, all of it!

3 — Business for children

How about taking advantage of the booming moment of Brazilian entrepreneurship to offer business in the area of ​​education for children?

I’ll give you an example!

Despite being in person, Happy Code is a very profitable franchise that teaches little ones how to program and create drones and games.

In fact, it was created by a true expert: Rodrigo Santos, administrator and systems analyst.

And here the options are even broader because you can enter as a franchisee in this type of business or think of innovative alternatives that do not yet exist in the market for children.

Business in the area of ​​education is undoubtedly great alternatives for those who want to undertake or create a new company.

Think about it!



Presleyson Lima

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