Mad Men: Meet 4 Lessons The Series Offers An Entrepreneur

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2018

Have you watched Mad Men?

If your answer is yes, you probably noticed how much the show shows situations that look a lot like the ones you face in your business, do not you?

But the word that comes to my mind when I see a chapter, it sure is persuasion!

Knowing how to sell your fish, show the customer that your product is really good, convince you to buy and stay with your company, are crucial points for your business and certainly you find in the context of the series.

But if you have not attended yet and want to know more about it, read the following topics and get inspired in these 4 lessons!

About Mad Men

Mad Men is set in the ’60s in New York and features authentic Don Draper, who struggles to stay on top of the pressure from Madison Avenue advertising agencies.

The other characters are the employees of the Sterling Cooper agency, Don’s associates and his family.

The whole routine of the protagonist and his professional and personal relations opened the moral and social changes that the United States passed during that decade.

The competition between men and women is very strong and advertising is used as a tool of persuasion for all professionals.

Women are gaining independence and the use of contraceptives and tranquilizers are beginning to make themselves felt in the reality of the country.

The ban on smoking and policies against sexual harassment were not even part of the context. They were out of the picture, literally!

But the highest point of the series lies in how you sell yourself. So it does not really matter what it is or what it wants, but rather what it shows about itself to people.

Finally, the series Mad Men is an HBO production, which has already been awarded two Golden Globes, and is the same producer and writer of the famous “Soprano Family.”

4 Lessons from Mad Men for Entrepreneurs

There are 4 main lessons that the Mad Men series offers to all entrepreneurs.

Check out!

1 — Make the customer realize the advantages of your product or service

In Mad Men, Don Draper has the ability to sell anything, including his image.

For him, it is not enough for you to know that you are the best and the most talented. You need to convince other people of that.

The lesson, then, is for you to do the same with your client.

He should also understand that you do indeed offer the best option for him.

Then find ways to identify it!

2 — Value your time

Don Draper says in Mad Men that if you do not have something important to say, then do not say anything!

So save yourself the few hours of the day to focus on what’s really important to your business.

Do not waste time and focus on strategy and business results.

Get to the point and be brief!

3 — Get Ready for the Unexpected

In the Mad Men series you find several unexpected situations.

And the business world works just the same.

Therefore, you need to prepare in advance to deal with the surprises that will come (and they will come, you can bet).

After all, it is common to find the new product more functional of the competitor, the customer who stops buying or the market that is experiencing difficulties.

The lesson here is to be prepared and respond quickly to the unforeseen with strategic and intelligent actions for the smooth running of your business.

Try to have resilience and get out of trouble quickly!

4 — Be present in the right measure

You need to appear, but not so much.

As well?

Your presence should make a difference for people, but for this you do not have to talk loudly and extrapolate, capiche?

Basically, your figure needs to have a positive effect, to the point that, by itself, to impose respect, without that you need to have more extravagant attitudes to attract attention.

It is so in the series and the tip is worth a lot for your day to day as an entrepreneur.

Did you like to know the 4 lessons that Mad Men offers to entrepreneurs?

If you have not yet watched, watch and be inspired!




Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.