Maternal entrepreneurship: what is it and why do it?

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2019

Maternal entrepreneurship is indeed a great possibility for women who have become mothers.

After all, with the advancement of technology, what is not lacking are options that allow the work to be done in the very comfort of the home.

Among the alternatives are virtual stores, freelance activities, accountant and digital marketing specialist and many others.

And who has skills with manual tasks or cooking can also bet on the business itself with crafts, homemade sweets, etc.

Regardless of the choice, the fact is that entrepreneurship offers possibilities that few fixed jobs can bring: flexibility of schedules and the work at home or in places close to the residence.

The latter is interesting for health professionals, such as psychologists, physiotherapists and nutritionists, who can rent a space and work fewer hours a day.

Did you find it interesting and want to know more about maternal entrepreneurship?

So check out this article!

What is maternal entrepreneurship?

The meaning of maternal entrepreneurship is exactly what the name itself says: mothers undertaking and reconciling work and motherhood.

This means that many women take advantage of the moment to have their own business, usually at home, either because they already wish to do so, or because the alternative offers the chance to follow their children more closely.
But unfortunately, it is not always an option.

Some mothers end up losing their jobs and as a way of securing their livelihoods, they need to take on opportunities different from those they had before.

To give you an idea of ​​this context, according to the FGV, 50% of women are dismissed up to two years after maternity leave.

Many, even, are disqualified from selective processes just because they have small children.

Other than that the jobs in places very distant or with routines of constant overtime are practically impossible to reconcile.

To summarize: the mother needs to work and at the same time take care of the baby, however, she has difficulty in remarketing or does not want to relocate to stay close to the child.

This is where maternal entrepreneurship is often the only viable option.
But how is it done?

It can be from home, with a virtual store, for example, or in external tasks with shorter period of time.

That’s it!

It is possible, for example, to rent a space near the residence to carry out the activities.

So during the 4 or 6 hours of work (or less) a baby can stay with the grandparents or with an aunt.

Either way, the business itself ends up offering more flexibility to the woman, who can work while looking at the baby or spend more time with him than if she were employed.

Why should you bet on maternal entrepreneurship?

You should bet on maternal entrepreneurship for two reasons:

“That’s what you want, either by a desire or simply to be close to your child.
“You have no choice.”

Of course, not all people can jump in at any moment.

Some already have this profile, others do not, which does not mean that the skill can not be developed.

The hint is that it lags behind information, online courses, books, articles on the internet, podcasts and videos that involve the work technique, but also the mentality necessary to make it happen assertively.

The book “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker is a good request.

No, it does not show how to become millionaire, but rather the posture of a millionaire, who is extremely accessible to challenges and involves greater ease in overcoming problems.

Another interesting work is “Mindset — The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck.

It addresses the importance of moving from a pessimistic mentality to one that focuses on persistence, effort, and resilience.

Already my tip of podcast is the one of the Resumocast, that focuses on information on several books of entrepreneurship.

Each week, a successful entrepreneur participates in giving opinions and offering guidelines related to the issue.

Gabriel Costa, a specialist in Marketing and Growth at Singu, Roberto Navarro, financial coaching, Gustavo Caetano, one of Brazil’s most successful entrepreneurs, Tallis Gomes, founder of Easy Taxi, among others, has already appeared there.

In addition to these sources, I suggest that you improve your knowledge in the technical part of your business and search for books, podcasts, videos and articles by experts in the area in which you will work.

Did you like this article on maternal entrepreneurship?

If that’s what you want, try to get yourself in the business you want to open, but be sure to go in search of a new mindset (if you have to) that involves resilience, courage and maturity to take on the challenges ahead.

Presleyson Lima



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.