Meet Gustavo Caetano, the entrepreneur who transformed innovation in Brazil

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2020

If we could define Gustavo Caetano in one word, it would be innovation.

CEO of Samba Tech, top LinkedIn influencer and writer of the book Pense Simples, he is considered one of the most promising entrepreneurs in the country.

This is because this miner, born in Araguari and trained in marketing, specializes in bringing simple proposals for innovation to a scenario marked by competitiveness.

Gustavo Caetano, one of the great influencers in the world of startups, has a lot to teach us with his revolutionary vision.

Check out his trajectory and get inspired!

Gustavo Caetano’s first steps

Gustavo Caetano’s story begins in an unusual way.

In 2004, when he tried to download a game on his cell phone and failed, he saw a great opportunity there.

After all, he had already heard the famous phrase present in the lives of many successful entrepreneurs: where there is a need there may be a market.

Researching more on the subject, he found that the mobile games business was starting to gain momentum in Europe.

He boldly decided to send e-mails to the developer companies offering himself as a reseller here in Brazil.

After more than ten attempts, a company in London opened an opportunity for Caetano to make a presentation and show his planning.

At the height of his 20s and with only the knowledge of the university, Gustavo left the comfort zone, faced the challenge, and the best was successful.

Thus was born Samba Mobile, a developer of games and applications for cell phones in Brazil.

But anyone who thinks he stopped there is mistaken.

Realizing that the market was changing and attuned to new trends, Gustavo expanded the company to Samba Tech, which today is considered the leader in online video distribution in Latin America.

Learn from Gustavo Caetano’s ideologies

Gustavo Caetano has a business vision that is worth analyzing for our learning as entrepreneurs.

Check out!

Always innovate

Gustavo Caetano encourages his team to seek constant innovation and improvement.

Believe in your business

First of all you need to have faith in your project.

Remember that only those who believe in dreams, work hard and invest in them achieve effective results.

Plan less and do more

Get the ideas off the paper as soon as possible.

Exactly! Validate and perfect them all in practice.

As Gustavo Caetano himself said: “Make it happen, then improve”.

Have a purpose

When you know the company’s objective, the process of attracting employees with the same vision is extremely easy.

Position yourself

Have a well-defined position, show what your company does and stay consistent.

Don’t just work for the money

Build an image based on your values ​​so that you can convey truth in what you offer.

Be brave

Don’t just do what everyone else is doing.

Follow Gustavo Caetano’s tip: “Anyone who wants to get to a different place needs to think differently”.

Use social media

Gustavo Caetano believes that social networks are great tools to share his ideologies and power, in some way, to change people’s lives.

Be organized

To be untangled it is necessary to be strategic.

Break down tasks and give more attention to each one so that you become more productive and, consequently, have more time available.

In addition, people who make a habit of organizing their appointments are able to relieve anxiety.

Maybe you have read this article and got the impression that to innovate you need to have a crazy idea, but see that Gustavo Caetano’s proposal is the exact opposite of that.

After all, he preaches the ideology of innovation made quite simply.

Focus daily on finding solutions to problems that can be solved differently, whether it is improving someone’s life or fixing what’s wrong.

Yes, Gustavo Caetano has conquered everyone with the message that innovating is much simpler than you think, in addition to being essential for those who want to survive in the competitive business world.




Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.