Meet the Startup Bicha da Justiça

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2019

Project offers legal advice to the LGBTI+ community

Increasingly, LGBTI+ causes have gained the spaces of discussion, a result of the strength of their activists.

Even so, it is not yet known how the legal situation of this part of the population — estimated at 20% — is still known. Faced with this scenario, the Justice Ribbon came about, a social startup that generates information about the rights of community members, and provides legal and online legal advice to these individuals.

The Bicha da Justiça is a startup that represents the fight for the rights of the LGBTI+ community, through an online portal that offers free legal advice of LGBTfobia.

An innovative initiative conceived by the miners, Bruna Andrade (lawyer, lecturer, master in Law and specialist in Homotransafe Law), Flávia Maria (Administrator and law student) and Daniel Goulart (administrator), who provides legal accessibility and democratization of information, contribute to the empowerment of its public. With an uncomplicated language, they address topics of interest to the community, such as marriage, adoption, assisted reproduction, parental registration, crimes motivated by LGBTophobia in the country, among others, in their communication channels: WhatsApp, Instagram, Youtube and Blog

The name of the platform is a mention of the team of superheroes “The Justice League”. But in this case, the characters represent the LGBTQI + community. “Many doubts from the public can become comics, so together we can increase the chorus of anti-discrimination,” explains lawyer Bruna Andrade, one of the idealizers. It further elucidates that the term “queer” no longer occupies a pejorative place in society. “In recent years, the community itself has appropriated the term that is now linked to empowerment, not hate speech.”

The startup, which entered the air in early 2018, already has more than 19,000 followers across the country — only on Instagram — and has grown every day. So much so that recently it gained the Popular Vote category of Startup Show, the biggest reality of entrepreneurship of Brazil. There were 300 registered and only 27 entered the dispute, consecrating the Justice Ribbon as the popular choice, the only startup aimed at the LGBTQI+ audience that participated in the program.

"We want to increase the visibility of the rights of the LGBTI + community, since the Brazilian, in general, has difficulty obtaining legal information. But LGBTI + find some further obstacles, since homosexual or gender rights are a recent construction in the country," argues Bruna.

As it is an online platform, the Queer of Justice is democratic in its access. “A person who lives in the interior can have the same advice and guidance as someone who lives in the capital,” he argues. In addition, it becomes a channel for everyone, and not just for the LGBTI + community.

“We take information to the other end as well, which is the employer, the shopkeeper, the service provider, among others, who do not know how to deal with the difference,” he adds.

Startup Bicha da Justiça counts on a collaboration network of lawyers in all Brazil, all certified in diversities. All doubts are solved through internet, an online service platform, or telephone.

If a person needs to file a lawsuit, the law firm appoints the best-case attorney in their collaborative network to meet the lawsuit.

With this, the Queer of Justice comes to bring about positive changes in the LGBTQI+ community.

Communication Channels: WhatsApp, Instagram, Youtube and Blog.




Presleyson Lima

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