The Crown series, about Queen Elizabeth II, is one of the best in leadership

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2019

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The Crown is a biographical series of Netflix that revolves around the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

With high precision of the events occurred during the period, she shows how the monarch began to lead at just 25 years of age in an extremely coherent, firm and mature way.

Among its main characteristics were the sobriety when positioning itself only at the right moment, the pre-disposition in making partnerships and to avoid conflicts and the innovation when modernizing the traditions of the monarchy.

In the next few lines you will understand more about how The Crown can inspire us as leaders both within companies and in our own business.

Check out!

About The Crown

The Crown is a series created and written by Peter Morgan (known for writing historical dramas), especially for Netflix.

The program, which premiered its first season in November 2016, shows the biographical history of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II and has high accuracy of events during the period.

Starring Claire Foy as the main character, British actress who also appeared as Ana Bolena in the miniseries Wolf Hall, and the award-winning American John Lithgow, the attraction has already secured important awards, such as the Golden Globes for Best Dramatic Series and Best Actress in a Dramatic Series for Claire in 2017.

But the most interesting is her plot, which reproduces how a crowned queen at the age of 25 was able to talk to much more experienced leaders than she.
Consider that at that time the political universe was dominated by men and therefore Elizabeth had the challenge not only of leading but of making it a woman and a young woman.

She needed to represent the British crown and be respected not only for her position, but mainly for her skills.

And the queen was in fact standing and leading, with correct and natural errors to any other leader, and always acted in defense of the crown, its most precious value.

How can The Crown inspire leaders?

The Crown is a series that has a lot to say about leadership.

In fact, we are inspired by Queen Elizabeth II, with her firm and determined stance and her sobriety to solve situations.

We have much to learn from it, see:

1 — Evaluate where you are treading

When the queen meets for the first time with Churchill, the prime minister who was already in her second term, she just smiles and talks little.

Over time, however, his encounters with Churchill and his successors are much more dialogues, showing all the maturity that monarch has acquired over the months.

I think this situation is a lot like when we are new to a company.

The ideal is first to feel the context in which you are entering for later, with a greater understanding of processes and policies, to start contributing more effectively.

So talking little is not always bad.

Depending on the timing may be your best strategy.

2 — Avoid conflicts and make partnerships

Elizabeth, unwilling her husband and her advisers, goes to Ghana, a former British colony, to minimize conflicts with the leader of the country.

She even dances with him at a dinner party in his honor, something totally out of season.

But it was precisely this act of personality that guaranteed the good image of royalty.

Did you remember any circumstance in the company where you work or with your partner?

Friction can happen because of divergent thoughts about a process or changes in project paths.

The tip, in such cases, is to try to resolve the situation in a friendly way, go over the differences, give the arm twist and resume the good relationship for the good of the company.

This shows maturity and focus on what really matters: the goals and results of the business!

3 — Innovate

The Queen was constantly trying to combine modernity with the traditions of the monarchy.

His coronation, in 1952, for example, was the first to be televised, totally breaking the real protocol. But this brought her very close to her subjects.

In 1957 his Christmas speech was also televised as a way to respond to criticism that the monarchy had been facing.

Finally, the innumerable suggestions of Lord Altrincham, the critic of ostracism of royalty, and even of the Queen’s way of speaking were endorsed by Elizabeth as a way of modernizing royalty.

Does your job in the company or in your business continue to be done the same?

Can some changes mean better results?

What are your interests?

The queen knew what was hers and did not hesitate to change what it took to get what she wanted.

Do it yourself too!

The Crown is an award-winning series from Netflix and quite interesting to be watched by the leaders.

Yes, Queen Elizabeth has much to teach us.

Presleyson Lima



Presleyson Lima

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