The Servant: the best book for leaders

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2021

Written by James C. Hunter and first published in 1989, The Monk and the Executive is undoubtedly a game changer for the business world.

As antagonistic as it may seem to be a monk and to be an executive, there is a good deal of collective knowledge in your leadership to be learned.

In both, it is undeniable the responsibility of their roles, assumed by free and spontaneous will, and the enormous personal donation that each one requires to influence so many people.

Interesting, right?

It is not by chance that O Monge ea Executivo is the title of this work, translated into our language, and which continues in the ranking of the best-selling books in Brazil.

Are you curious to know about leadership principles, in a more spiritual way?

Then follow this article to the end.

The Servant brings transformations for leaders

In The Servant’s story, what appeared to be stable and indestructible in the life of John Daily, a notable, successful, married executive and father of two, falls apart.

The issue of conflict with his career and family was not about money.

Yeah … things are not always as they appear to be.

Has this ever happened to you?

Without realizing that the structure of your relationships has collapsed?

This happens to many leaders, when they face serious difficulties in dealing with their followers and even with their family nucleus.

Why is that and what to do during these impasses?

In the narrative of The Servant, the character John Daily will reflect in a monastery and participate in a seminar on the essence of leadership, under the guidance of a friar.

From that meeting, decisive elements are revealed.

The keys to good leadership

Written by James C. Hunter and first published in 1989, The Servant is undoubtedly a game changer for the business world.

1. Choose to develop good relationships

In The Servant, you realize that leadership positions are not just fulfilled by your technical skills and task performance.

Relationships based on trust, respect, attention, listening and empathy are also extremely important when you lead people.

And every leader has this ability to build healthy relationships, especially with their partners and customers.

After all, if you don’t meet the legitimate needs of your team and your customers, the competition will.

2. Authority and power: know which one to lead

Here’s another insight from The Servant.

Authority refers to the ability to lead and influence employees to do, willingly, what is essential for the good of business, while power imposes, by its position and self-centeredness, to satisfy its desire.

Did you notice the difference?

For your team to use their brains, to have courageous and creative ideas, to be committed and dynamic, they need to be motivated by their influence and not by their power, which erodes any potential and partnership.

Do you now understand how the role of leadership is a privilege?

There are always opportunities for you, the leader, to improve your behaviors and involve your group to do the same in order to attract a work environment with promising results.

I guarantee incredible breaks of old paradigms in the complete reading of the copy The Servant, but, for now, I leave in the following lines, the master key in your hands.

3. Servant leadership as a model to be followed

This is the original name of The Servant: The Servant.

It means personally serving the cause of leadership and sacrificing yourself for it and for others.

Many masters personified this definition and are still historical examples today.

They changed the world without exercising power, only authority, service and sacrifice.

This gives us a real dimension of the value and reward of this leadership model.

Reading The Servant explains why this book is a best seller.

Not exactly for speaking to leaders, but for making you believe in your own life mission.



Presleyson Lima

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