The Theory of Everything: a film about entrepreneurship and overcoming

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2021

The reach of viewers that The Theory of Everything awakens to this day after almost six years of its release is gigantic.

Undoubtedly, it is a source of inspiration for those who wish to undertake or improve their entrepreneurial skills, as reaching this level of audience is not for everyone.

Entrepreneurship is also not for everyone, because it requires a mind without limits to achieve what truly moves you.

Do you know that feeling of seeing light at the end of the tunnel, of being on the right road towards where you want to go and of accomplishing with each conquest?

Yes, because the path of entrepreneurship is far from easy, but once engaged in its purpose, it is very worthwhile.

If you want to build something of value and grow in your own business, read this article until the end to associate The Theory of Everything with the insights that this work brings to your company.

The Theory of Everything: the feature film

The film The Theory of Everything, based on the biography “Journey to Infinity”, by Jane Hawking (his first wife), shows Stephen Hawking’s early years at Cambridge University, where he met, he in science, she in the arts.

The plot tells from the beginning of their story, the diagnosis and evolution of Stephen’s degenerative disease, his prognosis of just two more years of life, marriage and family building, in addition to his studies and scientific theories.

It is not fitting to spoil the feature here, but there is no chance to leave out the brilliant interpretation of Eddie Redmayne in the role of Hawking, who generated the much-coveted Oscar for best actor.

Let’s link Theory of Everything to entrepreneurship?

The thorough characterization of Redmayne’s character in The Theory of Everything was really impressive.

Imagine being in the shoes of this phenomenal being!

And it is good to emphasize that before being a scientist, physicist and cosmologist, he was a human being, therefore susceptible to all the emotions and struggles inherent in life.

That’s where the film’s contribution to the world of entrepreneurship comes in.

Check out the following pillars:

1 — Vision

The Theory of Everything reveals that in the face of the greatest pain of your life, of seeing your muscles progressively losing mobility, there is no time for wars, resistance and regrets, much less to give up.

And what was Stephen Hawking’s vision?

Live every moment as if there was no tomorrow, creating with what moved you most: The Theory of Everything.

According to him: what can be more essential than having no limits?

Exactly what I wrote above about the entrepreneurial mind, about setting an objective for your project and going beyond what is visible and limited in the eyes of others to achieve it.

2 — Innovation

Innovation is not lacking in The Theory of Everything to sustain such a trial by the protagonist.

On the one hand, if his muscles and voice no longer corresponded to his stimuli, on the other hand, his mind was trained not to stop, instigated by so many magnanimous contributions to science, which was his legacy to humanity.

Do you see another entrepreneurial qualification here?

Invest in ideas and solutions that will really make a difference to your audience’s pain.

After all, the success of your enterprise is linked to the positive impact that an innovation can cause.

3 — Resilience

In The Theory of Everything, what made Stephen Hawking the most brilliant scientist today?

His ability to adapt in the face of countless difficulties, challenges and overcoming is certainly one of the answers.

He proved, even in unfavorable circumstances, that life can give us great opportunities, if we are courageous to dream, believe and work hard.

And you entrepreneur, are you ready to apply Theory of Everything in your dream?



Presleyson Lima

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