Virtual reality: how to include this important trend in your business?

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

Yes, virtual reality has already been a bet of some companies here.

And that’s great, do you know why?

Because taking the customer to an online environment that shows as real as possible your product or service makes him / her more engaging with the brand.

After all, in addition to making life easier for the consumer by making everything simpler, you still have a lot more chances of closing various deals.

Want to know more about the topic?

So check out this article!

What is virtual reality?

Virtual Reality is an interface technology that deceives the senses from a virtual environment created in a computer system.

In other words, it induces visual, sound, and even tactile effects, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in a simulated location where you can or may not interact with it.

A good example are stereoscopic displays such as glasses and headsets present inside some shopping malls, which take customers on a roller coaster, a plane flight and many other exciting places.

It is very common, even, to see some videos of people who experience these environments viralize in social networks.

Their screams and scares show that they have entered that space as if it were really real!

But in the business world, how can virtual reality benefit you?

This is what you will know in the next topic!

Virtual reality in the business world

The virtual reality is a great balcony for various businesses.

After all, it is able to greatly facilitate the lives of customers, engage them with your brand and make your company much more attractive and innovative.

And the best thing is that there are several options of strategies depending on the niche of acting.

I recently released an article on VR Vaccine, which made use of the technique in a video aimed at children.

In it, the little ones receive the glasses of virtual reality, that take them to a playful universe in 360 °, while the professional prepares and applies the vaccine.

What the child sees is a character who asks for your help to become a hero and save the whole kingdom.

Then, the virtual little friend puts the “special power” in her arm, which is just the moment the vaccine is applied.
Another interesting example is the use of the 360 ​​° universe to present a property at the point of sale, a practice that is already being done by some construction companies in Brazil.

Thus, the client has the chance to view the apartment as if inside it.

In architecture and planned furniture works the same way.
3D designs are transformed into virtual environments, which greatly facilitates understanding by the buyer.

Some architects already use the technique as a presentation tool.

In education, kids are wearing cardboard glasses and a smartphone to learn in a more interactive and fun way.

In tourism, it is possible to replace an on-site visit with a virtual one by showing the tourist potential of each place.

And the retail?

Well, one of Amazon’s physical stores in the United States allows you to go into the grocery store virtually and choose the products you’d like to buy.

In human resources training, virtual reality can facilitate the training of a process, the integration of employees and more.

Just simulate real situations by getting the person into the context that needs to be improved.

These were some examples of applying virtual reality in the business world.

Use creativity and think of a situation that fits an interactive environment.

This will engage the customer with your brand and make your life a lot easier.

You can be sure that this is a great opportunity for innovation, which makes a lot of difference for the consumer and, consequently, for the growth of your company!

Presleyson Lima



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.