What is intrapreneurship? Learn how to undertake within the company you work for

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2020

Do you want to know what intra-entrepreneurship is?

It is a performance completely directed to the results that the company in which you work needs to achieve.

And this does not depend on your position, which can be an intern, analyst, technician or director.

The idea is to make a difference in the business and thus promote both your growth and that of the organization.

If everyone thinks that way, a network of excellent engaged employees will form and that is how positive results start to emerge.

If you want to better understand what intra-entrepreneurship is and how to act within this strategy, read this text and take advantage of the information.

What is intrapreneurship, anyway?

So, do you want to know what intra-entrepreneurship is?

It is very simple: it means to undertake in the company where you work.

This term was used for the first time by the writer and entrepreneur Gifford Pinchot III some time ago, more specifically in 1985, in order to help people incorporate the eyes of business owners, contributing 100% to their success.

After all, why only the entrepreneur needs to have this vision?

Shouldn’t everyone, from the intern to the president, not get out of the box and think about innovative and strategic ideas, to the point of making a big difference in the organization’s results?

Consider that some employees have direct contact with customers and know exactly how they think.

Others work in operational tasks and know the process in practice from start to finish.

Some are also responsible for collecting analytical data, such as the Indicators team, for contacting other employees, such as the Human Resources department, for accounting and financial information, such as the Finance area, and for the functioning of all corporate systems, such as Information Technology.

And the people who work in these sectors, each with their experience and knowledge, know exactly the importance of an efficient and assertive performance for the evolution and growth of the business.

If they join forces and work strategically within their specificities, they can take the company to much higher levels!

How to apply intrapreneurship?
Now that you already know what intra-entrepreneurship is, understand how to apply it in your daily life.

1 — Be available

More important than knowing what intra-entrepreneurship is, is your willingness to help your business grow.

Do you identify with the company you work for?

Are your values ​​similar?

Are you interested in growing and developing in this environment?

So always show interest and goodwill.

2 — Make a difference

In addition to being open to help and available to accomplish, it is important that you really make a difference.

Bet on good relationships, even with those most difficult colleagues, be balanced in the face of problems and try to find smart solutions within your area of ​​expertise.

3 — Suggest strategic projects and actions

Think of an action that can help the company you work for to leverage results.

Then, plan your project and create an attractive and professional presentation.

Then, present it to your leader as a smart solution for business growth.

But remember that common sense is everything in the corporate world, so it is important to pay attention to the right moment to show your face.

When in doubt, comment on your idea with the manager and ask him what he thinks of the alternative as an improvement for the company.

If the answer is yes, make yourself available to create the project and planning.

This is a good way to feel if the time is right for an initiative like yours.

Did you like to know what intra-entrepreneurship is?

Certainly this out-of-the-box and “business owner” performance will make all the difference for your growth in the company!



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.