What is the Entrepreneur Mindset and how to apply it to your advantage?

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2021

Thinking and acting with an entrepreneurial mindset makes all the difference to turn the wheel of success in your favor.

In fact, entrepreneurship transforms lives and with a mindset that drives to seek solutions and solve problems, not to mention!

Many business owners have already invested in their dreams and carried out their good ideas in world reference companies.

Alexandre Costa (Cacau Show), Luiza Helena Trajano (Magazine Luíza), Luiz Antônio Seabra (Natura), Romero Rodrigues (Buscapé Company), João Appolinário (Polishop), are some examples of these innovative and Brazilian minds.

Its projects, in addition to meeting the needs of the population and the environment, inspire new entrepreneurs to follow in their footsteps in the most varied segments.

Anyone who sees one of these personalities or consumes their products and services cannot imagine the path taken to reach the peak of this conquered authority.

Most have gone through daily efforts, tremendous difficulties, constant trial and error, and tireless routines of study and planning.

And it is precisely about not fading in the face of so many challenges that each step requires, that your positioning experiences the entrepreneurial mindset.

So, if you really want to know more about the subject and develop your personal and professional growth, this is the right article for you!

Entrepreneur Mindset: characteristics and concept

Understanding the characteristics found in the entrepreneurial mindset is the first step towards strengthening your ability to transmute.

That’s right you read!

Nobody is born an entrepreneur.

All entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquired, practiced and improved along the way.

The same works with the mindset, that is, with the pattern of thoughts and set of beliefs that we have nurtured since childhood: it is built according to each process of self-knowledge.

To help you, here are the characteristics of the entrepreneurial mindset, which most entrepreneurs have or wish to master:

● Determination — persistence in achieving goals also in the long term and not giving up because of any obstacles.

● Self-confidence — believing in your own potential to launch and reach your goals, overcome insecurity and deliver what you promise.

● Responsibility — taking on all strategic vision, action and decision, adding the public’s pain to the brand’s identity.

● Resilience — understanding failure not as an indication of defeat, but as an opportunity for new beginnings.

● Humility — knowing the strengths and weaknesses and opening spaces for further learning such as coaching and mentoring.

● Updating — keep the engagements and motivations within the company as innovative as the market in which it operates.

By incorporating the above items, you are committed to becoming a better version of yourself, and therefore to identifying profitability and value in your business.

So let’s find out how to apply the entrepreneurial mindset?

Entrepreneurial Mindset Practices

In the context read so far, the role of the entrepreneurial mindset is clear not only for the success of your corporation.

Spreading it to more aspiring entrepreneurs to qualify and generate sources of income, jobs, economic growth, sustainability and modernity for their city and even the country, is a matter of purpose.

Start now for yourself!

❖ Changes are welcome

What can you change in and out of your office or home office with the entrepreneurial mindset?

➢ Create partnerships to encourage social responsibility actions.

➢ Share enriching content, linked to what you idealize, that encourages other people to undertake.

➢ Find the knowledge gaps that prevent you from being a better entrepreneur, manager or leader and seek to improve yourself.

➢ Think big, aim for bold plans, and follow through with enthusiasm.

➢ Admire and mirror successful individuals and entrepreneurial giants.

➢ Promote your business with the art of persuasion to be seen and leveraged.

➢ Act effectively despite risks and fears.

In the end, you will realize that the entrepreneurial mindset is all this movement of practices and training that allows you to produce amazing results.



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.