What self-leadership is and why it matters to you

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2020

In this article you will learn what self-leadership is, an essential technique for becoming a successful leader.

Through it you can exercise self-knowledge and emotional intelligence, just planning the points you need to improve to achieve your goal.

Seems simple?

And it is, but don’t think it’s easy.

It takes a lot of dedication, focus and persistence.

If you are interested, I suggest you read this text.

In it you will understand what self-leadership is and also some tips for you to achieve it.

Check out!

What is self-leadership?

Shall we understand what self-leadership is?

It is the ability to manage your own behaviors and feelings towards a goal.

It involves both professional and personal life and invests in emotional intelligence in the face of challenges, difficulties and problems.

This is how you will deal with balance in the face of difficult and more complex situations and achieve much more effective results.

In addition, self-leadership is very important for you to assertively lead your team, after all, managing yourself is a basic requirement for managing other people.

How to achieve self-leadership?

Now that you already know what self-leadership is, how about knowing some tips to conquer it and thus achieve much more effective results as a leader?

1 — Self-knowledge

More important than knowing what self-leadership is is knowing yourself.

Are you sure you know yourself?

Reflect on your feelings, aspirations, limitations, fears and desires.

Connect with them and try to improve the points to be improved and preserve and improve the positives.

That’s right!

After all, once you know yourself, you will deal with greater tranquility in the face of challenges and become a better leader for your team.

That’s how you achieve goals.

And you can be sure that without self-knowledge you will hardly be able to have self-leadership.

2 — Emotional intelligence

Once you know yourself, you need to practice emotional intelligence.

This means dealing in a balanced way with the biggest and most complex difficulties that you encounter along the way.

So, practice resilience and focus on solving the problem.

But be careful not to be distracted by the obstacles, after all, they will not lead you to resolve the situation and will only make you stress.

Yes, this is the biggest trap in achieving self-leadership!

3 — Planning

You want to be a great leader, right?

Then you need to understand your points for improvement and set goals to resolve them.

To do so, plan these goals and what you need to do to achieve them.

But it is important that it includes the actions to be carried out and even their respective dates.

This will greatly facilitate the realization of your plan and also the achievement of self-leadership.

4 — Knowledge and guidance

What do you need to achieve self-leadership?

Do you need to work on any personal or professional issues?

It is possible, for example, to seek a specialist to help you reach that level, such as coaching.

Maybe you need this support, maybe not, but if you exercised self-knowledge and understood that this professional can make a difference, don’t hesitate to look for him.

Assess your context and also the moment you are living, whether related to personal or professional life.

But there are also some very interesting books that can help, like Mindset The New Psychology of Success, The Power of the Subconscious, The Only Thing, The Power of Influence, Think and Grow Rich, etc.

These books are not specific about self-leadership, but they certainly have contents that generate a lot of reflection in relation to self-knowledge.

Did you like to understand what self-leadership is?

It is essential to your success as a leader!



Presleyson Lima

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