Why bet on Endomarketing in your professional routine?

Presleyson Lima
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2022

Every entrepreneur knows the importance of investing in marketing, do you agree?

After all, it is the area responsible for researching the pain and desires of consumers, developing products and services that meet their needs and, in this way, gain the attention and satisfaction of customers.

But what about the concept of Endomarketing, have you heard of it?

This type of marketing is directed to the interior, that is, to the people who make up the company.

The meaning of this term exactly represents internal communication, as suggested by its prefix “endo”, which comes from the Greek and translates “inward”.

Its first objective is to engage employees, creating an integrated work environment, in order to improve the well-being and performance of each professional.

It is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to attract new talent and reduce the turnover of qualified employees.

Do you want to know more about what Endomarketing is, its main strategies and benefits to bet on your business?

So, keep reading this article till the end!

What is endomarketing?

As we saw above, Endomarketing is an institutional marketing strategy focused on internal actions.

Imagine an organization that dedicates a lot of time and resources to approaching and retaining customers, but without motivating its team, nor does it teach how to deal with the external public and with the responsibilities of each position.

Do you realize how much the reality of a dissatisfied employee whose demands are not met can directly compromise the unique experience that the company aims to provide to the customer?

Therefore, the employees’ perception of the company needs to be built, considering their claims and presenting new ways to transform them into brand intermediaries.

We now continue with the Endomarketing strategies for a management that prioritizes valuing the company in the eyes of the workers themselves.

The internal marketing strategies

The success or failure of an Endomarketing strategy is aligned with a series of factors to be considered when planning actions. Check out some of them:

  • Culture appreciation: take into account the company’s culture, with the purpose of defining actions capable of reinforcing and promoting an ideal environment for its internal public;
  • Educational process: transmit all information and knowledge at the right time and with transparency, in order to frequently train and qualify employees to commit to the business mission;
  • Potential tools: stimulate creativity with the intention of developing tools that can surprise and arouse the interest of the team, such as challenges, rewards and promotions.

Thanks to Endomarketing, the increase in achievement and commitment to the organization is certain and coordination between the different sectors guarantees the correct implementation of plans and strategies.

The benefits of internal marketing

Through Endomarketing, it is much easier to contribute to the performance of each professional in favor of assertive results.

  • Cooperation: promote alliances and partnerships to complement the project, among other initiatives that focus on interactions between different areas of the company;
  • Identification: share common values and goals to generate greater motivation, while your team feels more identified with the business proposal;
  • Communication: check that all types of communication are being well used to help the internal organization and thus achieve its objectives;
  • Positivity: remember that a positive experience in the workplace affects the level of confidence, mental health and quality of life of your employees

Finally, when an entrepreneur applies Endomarketing to his company, he understands once and for all that his most valuable resource is people.

And the more efficient Endomarketing and the relationship between all those involved are, the greater the chances of achieving the long-awaited success.



Presleyson Lima

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