Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2020


Know the types of leadership, understand yours and act more efficiently

Why is it essential that you know the types of leadership?

Because if you are a leader, either by running a company or by having your business and a team, it certainly fits into one of these styles.

And understanding more about them will keep you strong and review what you need to improve to achieve even more satisfactory results.

The most well-known types of leadership are autocratic, democratic and liberal, which will depend solely on your profile.

Basically these styles involve the use of different strategies to plan, interact, motivate and manage the teams, making them achieve the expected results.
It is good to emphasize that there is no right or wrong way to work.

The important thing is to be professional, ethical, honest and very committed to your business or company and also to your employees.

Let us now know the types of leadership?

What are the types of leadership?

In this article I will specify the profile of some of the most common types of leadership, which are autocratic, democratic and liberal.

Which one do you fit in?

1 — Autocratic

Autocratic is one of the types of leadership.

He is very centralizing and therefore makes decisions without the participation of the team.

This manager also tends to be more self-centered and think little about the development and growth of his team members.

Strong points:

It is very common for the autocratic leader to be extremely knowledgeable about the operational part of the job.

In fact, some of them have in fact been successful acting as technicians or analysts and for this reason they know the activity in practice.

They are still safe and confident in their performance.

Attention points:

If you have identified with the autocratic leader it is important that you share the information with your team and that you have it as the right arm in decision making.

After all, the fact of centralizing everything can cause people to become demotivated and even resign, leading you to lose important parts for the company’s results.

Besides, you end up attracting extremely operational and inefficient employees, which will also not be anything interesting for your goals.

Want another reason to decentralize the decision?

You have more time to dedicate yourself to strategic actions, which, in addition to being essential to your goals, are essential to stand out with your managers and, who knows, win an even bigger position.

If you have a business, you can be sure that the decentralization of decisions and the focus on marketing strategies, sales and new products or services will make a big difference to your company’s growth.

2 — Democratic

Unlike the autocratic, the democratic leader, who is also part of the types of leadership, includes his team in all decision making, making him actively participate in the results.

In other words, he always consults those he leads and asks for opinions, ideas and feedbacks so that together they can find the best solutions for projects and problems.

Therefore, this leader thinks not only about himself, but also about his collaborators, focusing on the development and growth of people.

Strong points:

As the team participates in all decisions, it makes people engaged with the company’s purposes, promoting motivation and leading to the achievement of results much more effectively.

Attention points:

The democratic leader must ensure that employees do not confuse leadership with friendship.

Of course, you can be friends with your employees, but it is important to separate things.

An employee must not, for example, lose focus on work because of this.
Therefore, have a safe and firm posture at all times.

It is also important to make sure that all employees are in fact engaged with the business.

After all, a “rotten orange” in decision making can generate buzz, gossip and unease among the entire team.

3 — Liberal

The liberal leader is the one who needs the most attention when it comes to types of leadership.

That’s because he usually leaves the decisions 100% in the hands of the team, to the point that he practically does not participate in what is in fact important to the company’s results.

Strong points:

Often, the liberal leader acts with an extremely mature, competent and engaged team, which makes decisions without the need for him to give his final approval.

This means that this manager can focus only on the most strategic and innovative actions that will make the business leverage.

Attention points:

Be very careful not to “drop” the decision for those who are not mature.
This can hinder the achievement of goals and make you seen as a terrible leader by the board or presidency.

Even worse if the company is yours.

Imagine losing customers and money because of this total decentralization of decisions.

In addition to having a very mature team, it is also important that the liberal leader is someone who is extremely assertive in business to put energy into really effective strategies.

Otherwise, it will not be as necessary for the company.

Which type of leadership do you fit into?

Pay attention to strengths and improvement and be really different!



Presleyson Lima

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