The 4-Hour Workweek: the book that shows you how to make money even with free time

Presleyson Lima
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2020

The 4-Hour Workweek is not just a book about productivity, but mainly about how to conquer a new lifestyle.

And here I’m not just talking about having a few hours of rest every day or being able to go on vacation annually, but rather considerably increasing your financial earnings.

But how?

Focusing on what is really important to your profits.

To give you an idea, the author emphasizes that 80% of our results are achieved with 20% of our efforts.

The motto, therefore, is to get you to make more money simply by doing the right thing.

So, if you feel overwhelmed, unproductive and without financial perspectives, pay attention to this text about the book The 4-Hour Workweek!

What is it about? The 4-Hour Workweek?

By Tim Ferriss,The 4-Hour Workweek is not just a book about productivity, but also about how to get rich without having to be practically a slave to work.

In the copy you will see that the author spent 5 years studying the posture of the new rich, those who left aside the old habit of postponing holidays and rest to finally balance professional and personal life.

More than that, these people simply created true luxurious lifestyles and, to improve, managed to enjoy all this desired abundance.

Useful both for entrepreneurs who live for their businesses and for employees who feel overwhelmed with their work demands, the book was launched in 2007 in the United States and has become a bestseller worldwide, even reaching the first position in The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

If you identified yourself, here are some valuable tips on the copy!

Infallible book tips The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek a week brings valuable tips to entrepreneurs and employees who live more for work than for anything else.

Worse than that: most of these people do not feel rewarded for the hours and hours of dedication to their endeavors, however much profit or very attractive wages.

If this is your case, be very careful not to compromise your health and, of course, check out these tips:

1 — Use your time well

Are you using your time in the right way, the one that will make you reach goals?

Carefully analyze your daily demands (personal and professional) and identify what is not a priority.

Now, remove it from your list, or set a time in your day for this task.

Social networks are great examples.

Set them half an hour a day and follow this routine to the letter.

But first, think with me: do you really need to be on this social network?

If you feel it is unnecessary, eliminate it completely and do the same with any other non-priority practice.

What is priority?

What will give you an income, a profit, an income.

Of course, family, friends and physical activity are important, but you can also set specific days and times for them.

Want a good example?

If an hour a day is enough for you to get results at the gym, ask your instructor or personal trainer for a workout that fits that period and eliminate everything that can get in the way, like those unproductive conversations during physical activity.

2 — Set shorter deadlines for your goal

In The 4-Hour Workweek the author is emphatic in saying that we are more productive when we work with shorter deadlines.

So, avoid setting too long goals to achieve your goals.

Bet on tighter deadlines and organize your routine so you can stick to them.

3 — Delegate or automate

Is it possible to delegate a task or automate a process?

Even if it has a cost, will it be that in the end you will not be paying this expense in a short time as your business grows faster?

After all, you’re going to give him a lot more focus, right?

Even, according to the author, 80% of the results are achieved from 20% of the efforts.

Therefore, the less effort you put into your day to day, the greater your results will be.

Or, in other words, dedicate yourself to what is really important and achieve goals more quickly.

The 4-Hour Workweek is an excellent book for anyone who wants to make money by doing the right thing.

It is worth reading!

Book of the Week Tip The 4-Hour Workweek

If you liked this theme, be sure to read this book available on Amazon The 4-Hour WorkWeek



Presleyson Lima

I help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs get results in their business through information security, talk to me now.