How To Send Out A Press Release Email To Journalists

Press Reach
Press Releases 101
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2022


Several processes are involved in how to send out a press release email to journalists. The most crucial part is ensuring that your email stands out in their inbox and doesn’t get lost among the other pitches they receive daily.

The first step is writing a great release. Check out our guide if you want to learn more on how to write an effective press release. Once you’ve written your press release, the next step is publishing it.

How Should You Format Your Press Release To Get Attention?

If you’re looking to get your press release noticed, there’s no need to go overboard with gimmicks or formatting tricks. In fact, the best way to format your press release is to keep it simple and easy to read. Avoid the use of fancy words or jargon; just state the facts.

Remember that a press release is not an advertisement, so resist the temptation to promote your product or service. Instead, focus on providing factual information that will interest reporters and editors.

Who Should You Send Your Press Release To?

The next step is deciding to who to send your press release. Make a list of the reporters, editors, and other media contacts who you think would be interested in your story. If you’re unsure where to start, try using a media database like Cision or Muck Rack.

When you’ve compiled your list, it’s time to start emailing.

Your goal is to get your press release read, so take the time to personalize each email. Introduce yourself first and state your purpose for contacting them. Then, include a summary of your story and why you think it would be of interest to their audience.

Finally, ensure to include a link to your press release and contact information in case they have any questions. The ideal way to read your press release is not by mass emailing. Personalized emails are more likely to capture the attention of busy reporters and editors.

When Should You Send Your Press Release?

Timing is very essential when it comes to sending a press release. You want to ensure you’re giving reporters enough time to write their stories, but you don’t want your story to get lost in the shuffle.

As a general rule of thumb, send your press release two weeks in advance. This will give reporters time to write their stories and editors time to fit them into their publication schedule. Of course, this rule is subject to exceptions. If you have a time-sensitive story, send your press release as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that reporters are often busiest at the beginning of the week, so avoid sending your press release on Monday or Friday. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday are the ideal days to submit a pitch.

What Other Information Should You Include In Your Press Release?

In addition to a great story, your press release should also include:

  • A Catchy Headline

Keep your headline short and precise. You want to capture the attention of busy reporters, so make sure your headline clearly states what your press release is about.

  • A Short Sub headline

Your sub headline should elaborate on your headline and give readers a brief overview of your story.

  • The Date and Location of Your Event

If you’re promoting an event, be sure to include the date and location. This will allow reporters to plan ahead and decide if they want to cover your event.

  • Any Quotes From Involved Parties

Including quotes from people involved in your story is a great way to add credibility and interest. When choosing quotes, look for something unique or insightful to capture readers’ attention.

  • A Link to Your Website or Additional Information

Your press release should include a link to your website or any additional information that reporters might find helpful. This could be the boilerplate for your company or a link to background information on your story.

What Should Your Press Release Email Contain?

Sending out a press release email can be a great way to promote your story and get the attention of busy reporters. Your press release email should contain all the information you would include in a regular press release, plus any relevant additional information that might interest the media outlet or journalist you’re contacting. In addition, your email should have a clear and concise subject line that tells the recipient what the email is about and should be free of typos or grammatical errors.

How To Follow Up On Your Press Release Email?

After you have sent out your press release email, you must follow up with the journalists you have contacted. You can do this by sending them a brief email to thank them for their time and to ask if they have any questions about the press release.

If you do not hear back from a journalist after a few days, you can call them to follow up. Remember to be polite and respectful when following up, as you want to build a good relationship with the journalist.

Thanking the journalist for their time is essential, but so is asking if they have questions about the press release. This shows that you are interested in getting feedback from the journalist and that you are willing to answer any questions they may have. If you do not hear back from a journalist after a few days, it is perfectly acceptable to call them to follow up. Just remember to be polite and respectful when doing so.

Final Thoughts: How To Send Out A Press Release Email To Journalists

A press release email can be an excellent way to spread the word about your story and grab the interest of journalists who are often very busy. The date and location of your event, any quotes from participants, a link to your website or other extra information, a snappy headline, a succinct sub headline, and these essential components must all be included in your press release emails.

After sending out your press release email, you must follow up with the journalists you have contacted. Following up with a journalist is as easy as sending them a thank-you email and asking if they have any questions. If you don’t hear back from the journalist, a follow-up phone call is also an option.

Featured Image- Megapixl @ Andreyyalansky19

